[center][hr][hr][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Lionel%20Wickett&name=AKENATEN.ttf&size=65&style_color=9C6F6F[/IMG] [IMG]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fcTstXRRmds/Tn5damoVifI/AAAAAAAACmc/6tD7hI0fc0o/s1600/Al.jpg[/IMG] [hr][b]Location:[/b] The Shitter->The Engine Room->The Shower[hr][/center] Lionel was in the middle of having a bowel movement when the ship decided to up and shit itself. He barely had any time to try holding on to something before he was launched into the opposite wall of the small room and covered in no small amount of toilet water. It took quite a bit of time for his wits to fully recover, old age ain't kind to the body, but when he did, a righteous fire sprung forth in his belly. He had half a mind to stab someone, but more importantly he'd need to clean himself up first. He did a rough job, the entire time muttering half-formed ideas and vocalized malice under his breath. Just to be sure that he was clean, he made sure to wash his hands up to his elbows three times over before leaving the bathroom. Although he had removed the worst of the matter from himself, he was still covered in wet stains that slightly smelled. Lionel walked down the halls, movin' as if possessed by the wrath of God Almighty himself. His footsteps resounded through the hallway like great thunder, his shoulders hunched forward like the great mountain upon which Moses was given his Commandments and his eyes bore a terrible fire from the lowest pits of Hell. Not once did he stop his steady flow of obscene language until he reached the Engine Room itself, where he found Gideon and Camille. He pointed his index finger right at Gideon, to remove all doubt for who these words were meant. [color=9c6e6e]"肏你祖宗十八代!"[/color] (literally meaning "Fuck your ancestors to the 18th generation") He shouted loud enough for the entire ship to hear given the enhanced acoustics before storming off back to his room. He picked out another suit which looked essentially identical to the ones he was wearing. He continued on the warpath back to the bathroom, where he slammed the door shut so he could take a shower and maybe cool off.