[hider=Milo] [center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/disgaea/images/0/0c/D3_Mao.png/revision/latest?cb=20131002221845&path-prefix=en[/img] [h2]Milo Ferreira[/h2][/center] [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Backstory:[/b] Milo was born in 1999 to a loving mother, Victoria, and a stay at home dad who worked as a direct salesperson, Roy. The couple lived together, but was not married, and Milo was actually an accident. Though Victoria wanted a shotgun wedding, Roy denied her, and would continue to do so. for 3 years this would go on as they raised Milo, Victoria growing ever more suspicious of Roy. He never seemed to leave the house during the day, but most nights he would take leave only to come back a few hours later. Things reached a boiling point when Victoria and Roy got in a fight, and Victoria said she was going to take Milo and leave. Roy would not be having any of that. At that moment, he grabbed the four year old Milo, and killed him, before filling the boy with his own blood. Victoria screamed, but Roy knocked her unconscious, before sending them both to bed. The next years would be trying. Once Milo woke up the next day, Roy informed his son he could no longer go out during the day any more, and he and father would be playing some nights. Milo was not particularly peeved about either of these things, enjoying the time with his father and being an inside child. His mother, on the other hand, was informed she would continue to work, and to never tell anyone about his 'gift' for threat of being sent to an asylum, or worse, death. After that, Milo's days were spent taking online classes, which his vampiric brain allowed him to accel at, and his nights were filled with training his vampire body to continue the vampire bloodline, no matter who would challenge the Ferreira's. Said training exercises were originally quite rigorous, and Milo demonstrated his potential. But one day, as he was sparring with his father, things changed. Milo was on the ropes, almost unconscious. His father seemed to be hitting him with punches without even moving his fist. As Roy moved in for the kill, Milo threw one final punch in an attempt to stop his father and gain some footing. But when he looked, he did not see what he was expecting. In front of his father was a transparent, almost gorilla like creature with piercing blue eyes. On Milo's hand was a square, glass box. Confused, Milo stopped fighting and asked his father what was going on. Roy simply stood there, in stunned silence, before leaving forever. Once Milo returned home but his father did not, Milo's mother was overjoyed. Her life seemed finally free of the menace overbearing them, and Milo could live a relatively normal life. Milo, on the other hand, was confused, and angry. But, his mother was there for him, and for the first time in a long time, they hugged. It was short lived, half-hearted, and too tight. But Milo and his mother had finally bonded on some level. After that, Victoria vowed to teach Milo how to be a huamn, instead of a vampire. Milo vowed to discover what was happening with his life. For three days and three nights he scoured the corners of the internet looking for some sort of lead on what was going on. Sure, he was a vampire, a spawn of evil destined to rule over the world, but his father never told him of seeing strange things and boxes. Eventually, he had discovered 2 things. 1, the thing he and his father had was called a stand. And 2. His was incredibly weak. Try as he might, the box demonstrated no ability other than letting him morph through it. Still, without his father around to pressure him for training, he could focus more on other things. Milo finally discovered his true interest in life; being lazy. Whenever he wasn't taking online school, he would be reading a comic book, playing some game, or doing half-hearted research on wikipedia. Life without his father was pretty good, even with his mother's occasional nagging. One night, though, when he had returned from draining a poor soul for blood, a necessary evil, he was greeted by the corpse of his mother, and a transparent creature. Milo didn't know how to react. Again, he was confused and enraged at the sight of the thing, that "stand" of his father. Then he was saddened, though he couldn't say why, and finally he was jealous. His father had taken something else away from him. Knowledge. Time. Enjoyment. And now, his mother. More than anything in the world he wanted to know where his father was, and his wish was granted. Appearing in front of him, the Heart of Glass showed him the way. Looking through the box revealed a rainbow colored strand, leading from the creature, to the kitchen. Milo rushed past the creature with incredible speed, only to find the kitchen was empty, and, turning back, so was the foyer. No mother, no creature, no father. In that moment, Milo felt worse than he ever had. He was a weakling, his stand was a weakling, and he couldn't stop his father from taking everything from him. He vowed, that day, to never, ever forgive his father, and to kill him where he stood. From here, he began doing research on vampires. What could kill them. He had to disprove many popular myths, like garlic and stakes, but eventually, he found two theories that seemed to be correct. Sun could kill vampires, and Stands could kill vampire. Now, Milo is on the lookout for stand users who could help him defeat his father, either by training with them, or forcing them to join him in his quest. [u]Likes[/u][list] [*]Super-hero comics [*]JRPGS [*]Experimentation [*]Frozen Foods [*]Researching Myths[/list] [u]Dislikes[/u][list] [*]Grinding [*]Father [*]Bossy People [*]The Righteous [*]Hoaxes[/list] [b]Powers:[/b] [i]Vampirism [/i]- Being infused with the vampiric essence of his father at birth, Milo has complete control over his body. He is stronger, faster, and more perceptive than your average human. His cells also regenerate quickly, and he can independently control any part of his body. Some particular techniques he has mastered are "Blast Finger", forcing every pore in his hand to eject blood violently, essentially a blood explosion. He can also focus this technique into a laser, "Shine Beam." He also is adept at using his father's technique, "Vaporization Freeze" which allows him to lower his body temperature to such an insane level it can freeze anything he touches. He's also working on a reverse technique to this where he heats his body to light himself on fire.This all comes at a price though. Sun will turn him into ash, and Hamon is effective at destroying him. [i]Stand [/i]- He is also in the possession of a stand, albeit one incredibly weak. It is a simple glass box with a hinge. Although Milo is unable to open the box, he can still see stands, and even instantly identify their users. Even though Milo can't open hinge, he can stick his fist inside the box, and with that he can harm other stands directly, though only with the same power as his punch. Milo calls his stand Heart of Glass ACT 1 because he is convinced that he can level his weakling stand up enough to be a match for his father. [u]「HEART OF GLASS」ACT 1[/u] Type: Tool Stand Destructive Power: E Speed: E Range: E Durability: A Precision: C Development Potential: A [/hider]