[center][h3][color=0072bc]- Alexander Furst : Dead or Alive -[/color][/h3] As the duo continued searching for Lynn, though the little Gastly was a little nervous. Whether that attribute was because of Alex not being as benign as he was previously or the forest now filling up with a few kids and teenagers. Alex began grumbling as he continued moving through the foliage, though he couldn't get the strange sense that he was feeling watched off of him. The noise the others made didn't exactly help him detect the said source, or if he was just being paranoid about it all. [color=f9ad81]"Hey check out what I caught bet it's a lot better than your Rattata!"[/color] [color=82ca9d]"Nuh uh, no way! I bet [i]my[/i] Rattata is in the top percentage of Rattata! So it trumps your Spinrak!"[/color] [color=0072bc]"Imbeciles,"[/color] he growled, rolling his eyes as he passed the two excited 'children' who dashed to show off their new allies to their peers. Slouching over, he sighed, the area becoming slightly a bit louder as he came to a complete halt. The Gastly didn't expect this and ran right into Alex' winter white hair, becoming startled. Noticing this, he frowned and looked at the ground, somewhat embarrassed. [color=0072bc]"Erm, sorry about that Henry,"[/color] he mumbled, rubbing the back of his hand as the Gastly floated to the front of him and gave the boy a reassuring smile. Noticing this, he smiled back, giving an affirmative nod before continuing the quest to find a possible illusion. Passing by another trainer who was bemoaning at his loss of catching a Joltik versus a Scyther or Pinsir, he could only furrow his eye brows and give a dismissive frown to the person as he uttered a stock phrase. [color=0072bc]"Good grief..."[/color] The uneasiness of having incomplete control of the situation was somewhat jarring, but he couldn't exactly afford to lose himself... nor lose track of the time... speaking of which. [color=0072bc][i]"... crap, The Sanctuary is only opened for a set amount of time!"[/i][/color] Looking for the way out, Alex knew he had to escape this forest scene to see how many minutes were remaining as he quickly analyzed the way out... which took not too long thankfully. What he didn't notice was his Gastly curiously bobbing to the side, as if he had found the mysterious person they were pursuing. [color=a187be]"Gasssss,"[/color] it murmured, its movements slowing as it got closer and closer to what it though was the source. Of course, when he thought he had said people pinpointed, it phased through the trunk. Henry patiently bid his time, before bursting out, tongue in full view. ... yet there was no one there. Alex noticed his partner had... departed from view. While he didn't look too affected, he began searching behind every tree within three to ten feet of him before discovering Henry was circling over a certain area, confused as it began to hang around upside down. [color=0072bc]"... you ok,"[/color] he said flatly, catching the attention of Gastly who turned to see Alex' neutral visage. Alex took note of the nod and the down trodden look. Defeated but not beaten back, he beckoned his Gastly to come along. [color=0072bc]"No need to get so beat up, I'm sure we'll find her,"[/color] he spoke, stating it in a rather cold manner. Henry got the gist and forced a wider smile as the duo began nearing the entrance. Both of them began getting closer and closer together. Alex' movements had been slowed down to a simple trudge as he felt a burning sensation behind his hair. It was if the person he felt watching him was suddenly breathing down his neck. Henry froze as he rotated to be caught off guard by the expression, but not at all jarred by what he saw. Alex deciphered the look on his face, but alas, he was too late. Before he could catch the stalker, he felt something tap his shoulder before hearing a smooth, yet familiarly adorable voice. Alex' eyes widened, his pupils dilated for a moment. His throat became dry and there were no words that could come out. His shoulders became tense as he began his slow 180. This was definitely not an illusion, it- ... ... ... Ok, what the hell. Alex came face to face with a familiar golden face as he looked down at the shorter girl. The teen didn't want to move or rather, he couldn't move. Every single part of his torso down to his feet was completely immobile. It felt like his legs were jello along with the possibility of the floor caving under, swallowing the giant whole. It felt like a nightmare become true again as familiar thoughts flooded his head as he managed to hold back a flurry of tears and breakdown completely due to being in public. But still, just looking at the mask. Looking at the face. Looking at his best friend... ... it hurt. Henry seemed worried as he circled around to the front of the boy and began tapping his forehead with his gaseous body, making sure not to engulf Alex' head whole. Suddenly his bodily functions began returning to him and his pale face was returning to the regular creamy color it usually was. His fingers were the first to move as they all kept in sync like a Spinrak. His unblinking eyes began to move again as his lips trembled for a few moments. Alex heard the rest of her statement as he frowned, composing himself as he readjusted his long coats collar; he has an icy glare that could easily pierce the mask if it could, but just stood there, now solid as a Machamps frame. There was silence between the two... before Alex completely ruined it. [color=0072bc]"... if I wanted to, I would of let those stories go when I left Unova,"[/color] he grumbled as he leered at the girl, almost trying to discover her intentions. Henry held his tongue out, almost ready to lick the mask as he nervously kept his distance. He may of been timid, but he was not adverse to fighting back. Huffing, he continued talking, his voice becoming a little harsher. [color=0072bc]"It's been a long time... though I am curious..."[/color] Alex closed the distance somewhat as he got even closer. [color=0072bc]"Lynn... why are you here?"[/color] He wasn't snarking off, he wasn't being rude to get a point across, he was being completely earnest with wanting said reason. There's no way something this random could occur... though he wasn't complaining. ... then again, she did have a peculiar way of dancing around the point, which in no turn would agitate him to no end...[/center]