Sophia Cross and her twin sister Miranda were just finishing getting ready for there first day off from work in about a week and they were looking forward to it especially since their boss needed them to work a double shift last night. So they we excited to just relax and have fun. As the sister had finished the final touches of there outfits they headed of there bedrooms and toward the door. [color=ed1c24]"You ready sis?"[/color] sophia asked her sister as they linked arms and opened the door. [color=440e62]"Of course I am. Do you think that Xavier is ready?"[/color] Miranda replied as I looked at her and they burst out laughing. [color=ed1c24]"I bet you he is wait in down in the lobby for us as we speak."[/color] Sophia said back in between laughs. As the girls calmed down and stopped laughing they headed down to the lobby where they met up with Xavier who happened be their best friend sort of like an older brother they never had. [color=1b1464]"Well there you guys are finally. I thought I was going to have to send out a search party for you two"[/color] Xavier said and the twins smiled at him. [Color=440e62]"Ha ha very funny now let's go I want to go to the icecream shop I herr they got a new flavour."[/color] Miranda said as the three friends all left their apartment buildings and headed for the ice cream shop.