[quote=@Renny] I got most of it done and I only need to correct small tid-bits here and there. I realize this character is like some Superman, Sentry type Hero but I think I can handle him. If you see something that need talking over, let me know. [hider=God Fist] [center][i] "Jesus! Bro are you really, Starlight? I mean- mean are really Mr.Starlight? ... After the fight can I get your autograph?”[/i][/center] [hr] [b]Birth Name:[/b] Ara Novell [b]Alter Ego:[/b] God Fist [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Country of Origin:[/b] America | Chicago [b]Archetype:[/b] Supernatural, Meta-Human [b]Allegiance:[/b] Champion [b]Appearance:[/b] Ara Novella is a half-white half-black teenager with mahogany brown skin. His brown but vivid eyes are clear windows into his genuine heart and all around kind persona. The youth stands at 5’10 and weighs in at 163lbs of mostly sleek muscle. He has a noticeably wiry-like build, thin eyebrows, and a noble powerful face. The hair on his head is loose and long, flowing about the faded bottom stylishly. When acting as God Fist, Ara wears a lightweight, form-fitting dark blue outfit. The suit falls into seamless dark blue boots. On his chest is the symbol of a sharp, edgy, sun that stretches off beneath the clasps of his tatter, black mantle. [b]Powers/Skills:[/b] Ara gained his powers by unknown means one year ago. It was thought that his great-grandfather was a multi-dimensional entity. Thus, God Fist was born. A cosmic-hero who can very well throw down with the best of Earth’s protectors and contend as top hero. With a Supernaturally Enhanced Physiology, Ara is capable of lifting well over 100 tons and performs feats comparable to this. These powers are technically granted to him due to him having access to the cosmic powers surrounding the earth and inhabiting the universe. Likewise his speed is comparable to blinding, competing with most speedsters. However, the renowned speedsters like Starlight and Grand Prix often trumps him indefinitely. He can catch bullets (though he doesn’t necessarily needs to), fly, think, and react at speeds of mach 10. When in space, for reasons inexplainable, he flies even faster. God Fist also seems to have a supernaturally enhanced endurance, being capable of taking a beating and getting up to return the pain ten-fold. A weakness of his would have to be his intolerance for pain. While his body can take the punches, Ara often feels the bulk of it. This can often drive him mad and keep him from continuing the fight. Though it has rarely occurred, it has been suggested that God Fist could use the cosmic radiation he absorbs as some kinetic energy towards his foes. Perhaps his greatest weakness is the illness that sets in if he doesn’t feel the nutrients of the cosmic cloak directly. In other words, Ara has to spend severals hours out in space to feed his body’s needs. Just another necessity that was tacked on to his belt. Along with sleep, normal food, and adequate exercise, he now needs to fill some pocket or vacuum inside himself with dark matter. Without efficient stores of the dark matter, he reverts to his mortality. [b]Equipment/Resources:[/b] Nada. . . God Fist needs only himself. [b]Biography:[/b] Ara Novella was born in Oregon but grew up in Chicago. He was a victim of abuse by paternal means and once his mother left his father, they struggled. They lived in the inner-city where gang-violence and police brutality was rampant. Ara avoided the troubles and instead stuck his head in other inane hobbies. A year before God Fist’s debut was when he started on the path to being a Hero. It was July 4th and patriots were celebrating the birth of America. As Ara was making his way home, gazing at the fireworks, he heard the muffled screams of a woman. At first he ignored it. When got more than half-way down the block his consciousness whipped him into going back. Novella stumbled onto a rape scene. Two black males had a black woman on her back. He was stunned into submission and later pummeled into submission too. As he laid there, glancing at the bright red, white, and blue firelight; he fought to silence the woman’s pain moans. It was then, that a supernova erupted in his chest, than was smothered out by a black hole. The next moments were a blur. He felt stronger than he had ever been, more monster than man. He knew it to be true when the man shot at him and instead of his chest being ripped open, the bullet simply fell to the ground. Needless to say he murdered those two men accidentally. Later on, after denying his powers and deciding to continue his life his dreams became bothersome. Weird pacts with immense, glowing, skinny beings. Symbols written in the forms of literal stars. A legend and legacy in the same instance being fulfilled. Three months or so later and God Fist was discovering himself and his purpose. He was meant to protect the galaxy but he could never leave Earth. It was his home and his love. America soon took notice of this Hero. He was the symbol of the Northern States and soon became one of three names associated with the United States. The Nagoya Incident was a blunder on his part. He was battling lesser supers than himself and felt, reluctant to hurt anyone. Not to mention when the call came he nearly drained of his dark matter reserves. He tore a metal form the building, not knowing it the central component to the structure. If not for his exhausted source, he could have saved plenty of people. However, with the sitaution as such, he was lucky to have escaped with his life. Afterwards, the politics of it all was lost on him. He remained with the Champions out of loyalty and admiration of the more experienced and leader-esque heroes. Though he is indeed stronger than most, its his inexperience and lack of confidence that more or less has made him subservient to the Champions as a whole. [b]Special Notes:[/b] Young and Inexperienced. Needs to refill on dark matter daily to retain his powers. Is often considered the kid of the group. Is a fairly-new hero whose made a big splash.[/hider] [/quote] [img]http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/what-is-your-greatest-wish.jpg[/img]