[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/8GInWyN.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/96eCK9w.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] Like her classmates Katherine watched everyone as they stood, introduced themselves and demonstrated their mutant abilities. She was really weirded out by hearing Dani's voice inside her head. It was unpleasant and a bit upsetting for Kat, but she said nothing and sat there quietly as the others went on. She just hoped that it wouldn't be a reoccurring thing. The abilities shown by the others were pretty impressive. Kat was mesmerized by Grace and her angelic wings. Casey's ability seemed an awful like Raylan's as both fellas demonstrated their powers using metal objects. Also, Kat was all that could in the science department so she wasn't quite sure what a 'vector' was. Bao could apparently fly through air manipulation it seemed, and Kat couldn't stop herself from giggling at his last comment. Sophia's ability to generate fire frightened Katherine more than a little, and she secretly hoped that the codename Pyro wasn't short for [i]Pyromaniac[/i]. Once the show-'n'-tell was over the professor divided the class into two groups, one to be trained by himself and the second to be trained by Bao. Katherine was a tad disappointed that she would not be in the same group as Taylor. As she looked over at him in that moment she noticed the boy's attention was elsewhere. Young Dani also seemed preoccupied. Following their gaze Katherine soon realized what was going on. Loki was shifting. The sounds coming from his body as it contorted and transformed were sickening, and the changed seemed to be taking longer than his first. Soon in the corner of the underground lounge stood a large, beautiful, yet obviously agitated, panther. Taylor moved closer to the big cat, speaking calmly in an attempt to calm him. [color=PaleVioletRed]"I'm so sorry Professor! I-I got lost on my way here,"[/color] exclaimed a young Asian woman as she burst into the room. [color=PaleVioletRed]"I know that's no excuse, but I promise it won't happen again. Really."[/color] Katherine held up her arm trying to signal to the newest student to enter the room to stand back. Kat was frightened of the big cat in the room. She worried he may lash out at anything and anyone in his agitated state. Standing from her seat beside Bao, Katherine stepped slowly over towards Taylor. Placing her hand gently on his back she whispered, "[color=C71585]Don't crowd him[/color]." She then moved to the left a bit so the big cat could get a clear view of her. Taking a step back, Katherine knelt down so she could look the feline in the eyes. Katherine's entire body was trembling. There was nothing stopping him from lunging and attacking her. But, Kat saw he was afraid, possibly more than she was at this very moment. So she had to try. She had to try to make things better. Yet, in her frightened state would her mutant ability work on him? Was Loki's mind too feral for him to understand the words that were about to come from her lips? Taking a deep breath in an effort to calm herself, Katherine looked Loki-cat in the eye. She smiled softly at him, and spoke gently. "[color=C71585][u][b]L[color=9932CC]ok[/color]i ... [/b][/u][/color][color=C71585][u][b][color=9932CC]rel[/color]ax[/b][/u][/color]."