[quote=@ClocktowerEchos] Not having gunpowder isn't a disadvantage in the Warhammer world and in this world; Chaos, Beastmen, Elves, Orks, they all kick ass without guns. My biggest issue is probably the fact that they don't really feel like "Fallen Elves" as much as they feel like "Elven pricks who subjugated a whole bunch of humans". Could just be something on my side though. Also, two minor things of note: 1) You should probably change the flag/symbol, Risen is using the same one for his elves so you two might wanna talk something out or something 2) Cavalry aren't large. Large is for something that is actually large/monstorous. Stuff like Giants and oversized beasts and Steam tanks, some dude on a horse isn't exactly "large" in comparassion to that. Not all factions need to fill out every single "type" of unit. Wouldn't make much sense for the dwarves to have a large unit that wasn't some type of war machine would it? [/quote] Was planning on the symbol change. Honestly, I didn't know Risen wanted to use the same! XD Also, yeah right now they indeed feel more like they enslaved all humans. I'll try to work on that. But the Elven units are yet to be shown. Consider that more or less as my first draft of the NS. And about the potential large unit: while you're right, I'll see if I can actually make it fit in. Also, sorry, my bad! IIRC Warhammer Total War actually considers cavalry as large as it describes large as "anything larger than the average man" and IIRC, spearmen stop charges. Anywho, I'll change it!