Finally finished most of my own NS, still a few things that need to be added but hopefully it should help anyone whose a bit stuck on what to do. [hider=Beastmen Warherd of the Moon Caller][center][h1][b]The Beastmen Warherd of Varkex the Moon Caller[/b][/h1][img][/img] [hr][hr][/center] [b][h2]Overview[/h2][/b] The Beastmen, a once proud race that claim rule over all the lands long before any other had. But with the rise of the Empires of other races, they were forced to abandon their old claims and hide in the forest and mountains. These new savage creatures fight not for honor, land or gold, but for vengeance for the humiliation their forefathers suffered at the hands of the other races. [b][h2]Geography[/h2][/b][hider=Map Claim][img][/img] [/hider] Draw your borders on the map to lay your claim. Describe the environment and geography as you wish within reasonable limits. Some important notes is that we're all somewhat in the northern hemisphere of the planet barring the southern regions so take that as you will. The west is largely cut off from us due to the World's End Mountains. If you play a nation with multiple smaller administrative zones (ie Fiefs, Baronies, Chiefdoms, Kingdoms, etc), you might want to list them here as well as any other important zones like major cities, fortifications and of course, your capital, if you have one. [b][h2]History[/h2][/b] Long before the Empires of men, elves and dwarves arose, beastmen roamed free upon the land, the world as their grazing field. The people were happy and content as they formed the first large scale gatherings and even permeant tribe locations. Then, the other races, despising the beastmen for their "savage appearance and primitive ways" and took to eradicate them. In this new age of violence, the beastmen were forced to become the brutal warriors they are known as today just to survive but even then, they were still killed off or pushed back into the deep forests that would protect them and shelter their kind. Now, they sense the time is right to come out in full, no more small raiding parties but great warherds. Reckoning is upon the Old World, and with the fire of vengeance, the beastmen shall either resettle their civilization or raze it to ash. [b][h2]Government[/h2][/b] The beastmen employ a brutal but simple method to determine leadership, survival of the fittest. As long as one beastmen can best the current Alpha, he will become the new one which will command the respect and loyalty of the rest of the herd he is a part of. Different herds are referred to by the name of their Alphagor. Varax the Moon Caller is the currently Alphagor of the Herd of the Moon Caller. [b][h2]Race Description[/h2][/b] Beastmen are most well known for appear as humans with animalistic legs and heads, commonly that of a sheep or goat. Many other races consider the beastmen to be stupid barbaric savages in the wilderness. The beastmen may be brutal, but they are far more cunning than many believe or even want to believe, savagery and cunning makes for a deadly combination. The term beastmen is actually just an umbrella term however as there are a few variants or "breeds" of beastmen. [list][*][b]Gors[/b] - The most common and well known type of beastmen, these are the horned creatures with animal legs and heads that the beastmen are known for. [*][b]Ungors[/b] - These beastmen are at the bottom of the heriarchy, their horns either no large enough be considered Gors or they may not even have horns at all. They make up much of the "civilian" part of the herds as they do much of the cooking, crafting and general labor. Ungors can either be naturally born from existing beastmen or children of other races who've been born with unholy mutations and rejected by their parents. [*][b]Beastwomen[/b] - Rarer than their male counterparts, Beastwomen are noted to be very docile, calm, submissive and even shy in comparison to the trademark aggressiveness of their race, all of them either Gors or Ungors. [*]Harpies - Spindly flying creatures which often accompany beastmen, they are scavengers that pick at and help loot the bodies of the fallen although their sharp talons and mischievous ways makes them a foe worthy of caution in a fight. [*][b]Centigors[/b] - Perhaps the most noble (and arrogant) of beastmen, Centigors have human torso connected to the body of a horse or oxen. They like to see themselves as the "best" beastmen, but they're all wise enough not to mention that around Minogors or the Alphas. Their hatred of the other races is the greatest as they have terrific memories and love telling stories of past battles. [*][b]Minogors[/b] - The largest breed of beastmen with the head and bottom half of a bull. They stand taller than any normal person at around 10 feet, intimidating and brutish with massive muscles. Needless to say, Minogors tend to have some of the higher positions within a herd. A special sub-class of Minogors are [b]Warbulls[/b], Minogors who've grown so large and strong that they are almost always chosen as Alphas. [*][b]Alphagor[/b] - While not technically a special breed, Alphas are the leaders of Beastmen herds and are almost always extremely tough, durable and strong but more importantly, they're cunning. While many Alphas are Minogors, there have been instances of Centigors or even normal Gors obtaining this rank.[/list] [b][h2]Culture[/h2][/b] The life of a beastmen is more often than not a very, very rough life with martial strength being prized above all else, forcing people into a strict hierarchy. Many live in roaming hordes that live off the land and raid for a living. Others living in well hidden encampments and settlements. With the strength-based hierarchy, Ungors are typically given the worse equipment for battle while also being treated the worse with each rung on the ladder above them being treated better and better. The moon also plays a great role in the religion of the Beastmen which is also tied to battle through the their beastly rituals and one of their lores of magic, Lore of Beasts. Given their innate connection to nature, the Beastmen are also capable of using various Beast Paths to quickly go through dense forests and even some mountains that are otherwise not passable by nearly all other races. [b][h2]Economy/Industry[/h2][/b] The beastmen are a fairly primative race, lacking the ability to make gunpowder as well as most forms of complex artillery. However, what they do make is sturdy enough to protect while also being simple enough to pump out on the scale a herd needs. No where near as fancy as the armor seen in use with the other races, Beastmen armor is characterized by being simple and effective if not crude and relying mostly on the user's natural durability and stubbornness. To the surprise of many outsiders, the Beastmen do have something resembling a crude barter system as many Gors and Ungors are a thing for tokens, pendants and various other little fetishes, a taste that has slowly made its way up to even Alphagors. [b][h2]Magic[/h2][/b] The Beastmen use two primary lores fairly unique to them: Lore of Beasts and Lore of Wild. Lore of Beasts relates heavily to the moon while Lore of Wild relates largely to that of the Wilderness. Mages of the beastmen are commonly referred to as Feral Shamans. Interestingly enough, there is a single spell from the Lore of Light which the beastmen use: Homeward Bound. [hider=Lore of Beasts] [b]Name:[/b] Call of the Moon [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of Beasts [b]Type:[/b] Buff [b]Short Description:[/b] A common spell known by all those who study the Lore of Beasts, it taps and increases the beastly rage within beastmen making them fighter harder, dealing more damage and ignoring causality and wounds. [b]Name:[/b] Ramsteed's Ironpelt [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of Beasts [b]Type:[/b] Buff [b]Short Description:[/b] Ramsteed was a legendary Minogor, famous for being able to shrug off volley after volley of arrows. His spirit hide blesses those under it with similar effects, effectively increasing their armor and durability especially against ranged. [b]Name:[/b] Heart of Darkness [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of Beasts [b]Type:[/b] Debuff [b]Short Description:[/b] Evolution leaves its marks, this spell exploits those marks, driving those affected by it mad to the point they attack anyone and everyone one, even their comrades. [b]Name:[/b] Skyfather's Lance [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of Beasts [b]Type:[/b] Direct Damage [b]Short Description:[/b] Summoning out a great magical lance, the Feral Shaman throws it towards the enemy, leaving deep holes in their ranks as it tears through them in a straight line. [b]Name:[/b] Roar of Glurrag [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of Beasts [b]Type:[/b] Debuff [b]Short Description:[/b] A short ranged spell used for self defense in a way, the magical roar is loud enough to stun if not outright kill those too close to the caster. [b]Name:[/b] Anchor Howl [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of Beasts [b]Type:[/b] Buff [b]Short Description:[/b] A rarity amongst Beastmen spells that typically increase offensive capabilities, this spell actually increases the defensiveness of units especially against a charge where their braying can disturb the enemy charge enough to further weaken its affect. [/hider] [hider=Lore of Wild] [b]Name:[/b] Call of the Wild [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of Wild [b]Type:[/b] Buff [b]Short Description:[/b] A common spell known by all Feral Shamans of the Lore of Wild, it increases the speed at which Beastmen do their actions ranging from attack speed to charge speed. [b]Name:[/b] The Endless Hunt [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of Wild [b]Type:[/b] Buff [b]Short Description:[/b] The hunt never ends, units affected by this spell will not tire and can detect any hidden or hiding units or persons while being dead silent themselves. [b]Name:[/b] Savage Dominion [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of Wild [b]Type:[/b] Debuff [b]Short Description:[/b] Casted upon enemies, Savage Dominion opens the eyes of those affected to the true, unhinged world, tapping into their fear to weaken them. [b]Name:[/b] Murkrow's Mantle [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of Wild [b]Type:[/b] Buff [b]Short Description:[/b] Murkrow was a legendary Gor warrior whose skills and abilities impressed even Minogors; those who don his mantle are given a taste of his strength and fighting prowess making them hard hitting and savage fighters. [b]Name:[/b] Entanglement [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of Wild [b]Type:[/b] Offensive Support [b]Short Description:[/b] Summoning thick roots from the very earth to snarl on and catch the feet of enemies, this spell is favored as it increases the damage dealt by charging forces. Its hard to dodge something when you can't move after all. [b]Name:[/b] Spirit Beast Froyord [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of Wild [b]Type:[/b] Offensive Summon [b]Short Description:[/b] Collecting the wild animal souls and forming them into a single entity and adding the very essence of the earth to it, this spell is known to but a few Feral Shamans. Froyord was once a great wild wolf-like beast that was bested by the legendary Alphagor Alcorr the White and then used the beast as his mount. Froyord will run around wildly upon being summon, crashing into friend and foe alike leaving carnage in his wake. Legends speak that one day, an Alphagor chosen to lead the beastmen to greatness will be able to mount this spirit beast and use its corporeal form in the real world. [/hider] [hider=Lore of Light] [b]Name:[/b] Homeward Bound [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of Light [b]Type:[/b] Support [b]Short Description:[/b] A rarity even amongst the races who practice the Lore of Light regularly, there are few Feral Shamans who know this spell but its use is unquestionable. Besides being the only healing spell that Feral Shamans know, it also increases the stamina and resolve to fight for the Beastmen, especially if they are location they fell is important. [/hider] [b][h2]Military[/h2][/b] [b][u]Strengths and Weaknesses:[/u][/b] [color=39b54a]+ High Charge Damage + Fast Movement Speed over any and all terrain + Can Easily stalk, ambush and hide[/color] [color=ed1c24]- Lacks Ranges Units - Lacks Artillery - Tends to be somewhat disorganized - Low Armor[/color] [hider=Tier 1 Units] [b]Name:[/b] Ungor Scouts [b]Type:[/b] Light Archers [b]Short Description:[/b] While Ungors are considered the lowest breed of beastmen, their smaller size makes them ideal as light troops. They are excellent trackers as they often serve as the main hunting and scouting unit of herds. [b]Name:[/b] Ungor Spearmen [b]Type:[/b] Light Spear Infantry [b]Short Description:[/b] While Ungors are considered the lowest breed of beastmen, their smaller size makes them ideal as light troops. Surprisingly, they are the few members of their race who commonly use spears. [b]Name:[/b] Ungor Warherd [b]Type:[/b] Light Melee Infantry [b]Short Description:[/b] While Ungors are considered the lowest breed of beastmen, their smaller size makes them ideal as light troops. All beastmen seek glory and bloodshed of their enemies who cast them down from their paradise generations ago, Ungors are no different. [b]Name:[/b] Warbeast Pack [b]Type:[/b] Light Creatures [b]Short Description:[/b] Living so close to nature, some beastmen learn how to get very familiar with animals to the point they can command packs and groups of wild wolves, foxes, hounds and other feral animals. [/hider] [hider=Tier 2 Units] [b]Name:[/b] Gor Warriors [b]Type:[/b] Light Melee Infantry [b]Short Description:[/b] Gors are the iconic "average" beastmen, known and feared by many who live near woods. Many of them carry two axes, clubs or warpicks to battle to savagely bring down their enemies. While some say that their lack of defense is concerning, Gors are more than willing to show that their speed negates the need of such frivolous things. [b]Name:[/b] Gor Warriors (Sheilds) [b]Type:[/b] Light Melee Infantry [b]Short Description:[/b] Gors are the iconic "average" beastmen, known and feared by many who live near woods. Some carry crude wooden shields to hide themselves from arrows and parry blows. Cowardly? Perhaps. Cunning? Very much. [b]Name:[/b] Gor Warriors (Great Weapons) [b]Type:[/b] Medium Melee Infantry [b]Short Description:[/b] Gors are the iconic "average" beastmen, known and feared by many who live near woods. Although their horns are killer enough on the charge, some still insist on carrying great swords or large ages to further increase the damage they will do upon impact. [b]Name:[/b] Harpies [b]Type:[/b] Light Flying Melee Infantry [b]Short Description:[/b] Although frail, Harpies are commonly used as ariel reconnaissance and tactical units, able to take out guards from guard towers and haunt exposed artillery crews and units. While they mostly attack with their sharp talons and claws, they are known to pick up enemies in small groups and drop them from extreme heights. [b]Name:[/b] Razorgors [b]Type:[/b] Medium Creatures [b]Short Description:[/b] Resembling a cross between a boar and a bear with a whole lot of spikes added on. These creatures are bred and raised to be tough and aggressive, their legendary metabolism and tough digestive system letting them devour a horseman and his horse in under a minute. If you ever wanted to know what a ball of sharp would look like going at you faster than you can run, a charging Razorgor is a good example. [/hider] [hider=Tier 3 Units] [b]Name:[/b] Ungor Chosen [b]Type:[/b] Medium Melee Infantry [b]Short Description:[/b] While Ungors are typically seen as the weakest of their kind, there are still a select few who impress and outclass even Gors. Such are often said to have been chosen by the moon to be great warriors and given various trinkets and tattoos as a result. These Ungors are often person of great respect to other Ungors who look up to them as some of these Chosen lead their own Ungor herds into battle. [b]Name:[/b] Centigors [b]Type:[/b] Medium Melee Cavalry [b]Short Description:[/b] Proud and prideful, Centigors see themselves as valiantly fighting a great crusade against an dishonorable enemy that stole their homes away. Armed with lances and shields, they bravely charge the enemy in their quest for glory. Some outsiders consider them a mockery of horseback noble knights, a comparison that Centigors happily accept. [b]Name:[/b] Blackhands [b]Type:[/b] Light Ranged Infantry [b]Short Description:[/b] Experts at fire starting and exploiting natural flammable materials, Blackhands carry clay earthen jars and pots of natural tar mixed with other flammable materials to create deadly fire bombs, often used to clear out hidden enemies or put villages to the torch. These pyromaniacs also have the best understanding of fear tactics and exploit it ruthlessly. [/hider] [hider=Tier 4 Units] [b]Name:[/b] Bestigors [b]Type:[/b] Medium Melee Infantry [b]Short Description:[/b] Elite Gor veterans who get the best equipment available, unlike many other beastmen warriors, they understand the value of discipline and training to the point that some might even consider them an actual professional military unit. [b]Name:[/b] Minogors [b]Type:[/b] Large Heavy Melee Infantry [b]Short Description:[/b] Exceptionally large and strong, there brutish Beastmen strike fear with every blow as they tear through ranks to sate their primal bloodlust. Like Gors, Minogors often favor dual axes to case the most chaos as they can, charging head first into the enemy before cutting them up into bloody chunks with their axes. [b]Name:[/b] Minogors (Sheilds) [b]Type:[/b] Large Heavy Melee Infantry [b]Short Description:[/b] Exceptionally large and strong, there brutish Beastmen strike fear with every blow as they tear through ranks to sate their primal bloodlust. While some Gors may use shields to protect themselves, Minogors use them primarily to show off their grizzly war trophies; bodies without legs chained to the front, carved skulls with bloody paint, it takes a brave man not to be intimidated by these thick shields. [b]Name:[/b] Minogors Executioners [b]Type:[/b] Large Heavy Melee Infantry [b]Short Description:[/b] Exceptionally large and strong, there brutish Beastmen strike fear with every blow as they tear through ranks to sate their primal bloodlust. Executioners are more often than not, Warbulls who weild massive great axes that can cut multiple men in half with a single mighty swing. These behemoths take as much pleasure in slaughter as they do in raiding and pillaging. [b]Name:[/b] Centigor Rider [b]Type:[/b] Medium Melee Cavalry [b]Short Description:[/b] While often too haughty and prideful to do so, sometimes female Centigors will form close relationships with Gors and even Ungors, allowing them to ride on their back, an act that's almost like sex in their culture. The two beastmen would have shared a very close and trusting relationship at this point, even deadlier than they were separated as the Centigor uses her lance and shield to charge into the enemy while her rider swings axes and blades once locked in combat. [/hider] [hider=Varkex the Moon Caller (Lord)] [b]Name:[/b] Beastlord Alphagor Varkex the Moon Caller, Elf Slayer [b]Position:[/b] Alphagor of the Herd, Beastlord of the Beastmen, [b]Powers:[/b] Varkex is a rarity amongst Alphagors and Beastmen in general as he prefers the use of the bow over much else. He carries a legendary bow that is the size of a normal man and fires enchanted arrows more akin to spears, the [i]Moon Caller Greatbow[/i]. How Varkex obtained such a weapon has spawned numerous rumors and stories ranging from it being made for him to it being a gift from the moon itself. What is known is that the bow can only be drawn by him and can even be used as artillery. However, to underestimate his melee abilities would be foolish as numerous rivals have learned the hard way. [b]Short Bio/Personality:[/b] Born to a Minotaur and a Ungor Beastwoman, Varkex seemed to be destant for greatness since the day he was born as his birth was hailed by a full, pale moon. Over the years he would distingush himself from others in his brave (if not extraordinary) acts of battle and savagry like forcing an entire village into a pit he dug himself to cover them in pitch and setting them on fire as they desperately tried to claw their way out. However, Varkex was always a clever and cunning one, leaving one to live to tell the tale and letting his name grew. His fame would grow as he began to hold greater and greater power in his tribe until the Alphagor banished him out of fear. A moon phase would pass but Varkex would return, his Moon Caller Greatbow in hand before he pierced the heart of the Alphagor, ripped his head off and mounted it on a stake, taking control of the tribe and the Alphagor's breeding stock. Since then, Varkex's raids have only become more daring and brutal but now it seems he prepares for full scale war against the other races for vengeance of his forefathers as he seeks to unite more and more beastmen herds under his bloody banner.. [/hider] [/hider]