[Hider=Nightmaree Fun]Randy Siskle sits in his patrol car enjoying a sneaky little nap behind the old abandoned brick works warehouse. It's a relatively peaceful day in Second City and he's been pulling an extra shift as security at a downtown strip club and believes he deserves the rest. He snoozes for a good little bit till he hears on the radio a call for him to aid in a high speed chase in her area. As he cranks his patrol car he curses under his breath. He hates high speed pursuits because he's always harbored a fear of dying in a car crash that's haunted him since he was a young officer and saw a fellow patrolman consumed by flames as the five other officers present were forced to watch because there was nothing they could do to save him. Just as he is about to pull out on the road he barely manages to avoid being struck by the fleeing car filled with bad guys an closely followed by three of SCPD's patrol cars who urge him to join in. Officer Siskle turns and follows an tries to hang back as he's done before but this time he's startled to hear the impact of bullets striking his squad car from behind. He looks into the rear view and sees another car filled with bad guys gaining on him as three use the sunroof as a firing position. His mirror shatters and the forward wind screen is struck by five bullets as he grabs his radio shouting for help. He's then forced by these madmen to accelerate in a effort to put some distance between himself and them. Between the fear of being gunned down and of losing control Officer Siskle's heart begins trying to hammer out of his chest. He somehow manages to gain about one hundred yards on his pursuers and is checking his rear view when his patrol car is suddenly slammed sideways by a massive force flipping it over and over till he comes to a dizzying stop and hears a train's horn sounding behind him. He's been hit by a train and now lays in a ditch upside down. It's while he's trying to struggle with his restraint belt that he smells the strong aroma of gas. This makes his efforts become more frantic as he tries to break free an finds that the release is jammed. After another minute the smell of gas is so strong it chokes Officer Siskle. He then remembers the tactical knife clipped to his belt. He reaches for the instrument of his salvation and it's not there obviously dislodged in the crash so he looks down officer Siskle Frantically he searches till he looks out the window an sees it laying in the gravel six feet away. That is when he's certain he smells smoke mingling with the gas. He thrashes violently trying to force the belt lock to open and just as he's about to give up hope it makes a clicking sound before dumping him on the roof upside down. Officer Siskle is euphoric as he twists his body so that he comes onto his hands and knees. He doesn't even care that he's now soaked with gas as he crawls to the open window on the driver's side. Laughing he starts to push his way out when he hears a strange popping sound just before he's engulfed in flames. He tries to flee the burning patrol car but it doesn't matter because he's now a human torch as his fuel soaked clothing burns. Nightmare smiles as the sleeping officer screams just before he has a heart attack from the fright. Standing nearby are two mercs that try their best to not show any fear in her presence as they act as her bodyguard. She turns away just after Officer Siskle gasps his last and heads off for a bit of shopping. When Officer Siskle is found several hours later he's still in his patrol car but dead of a heart attack. Strangest of all is that he has what appears to be second degree burns all over his body[/Hider]