Jimmy was just finishing his black n mild as he tossed it out the window, noticing others were revving up their engines. Being surrounded by slimy motha fuckas, and fine but untrusting bitches, Jimmy was a bit chill after hearing there was no weapons allowed in this race, tch...like Jimmy gave a damn anyway. He placed one hand on the steering wheel still trying to look cool and not so anxious and uptight to get the race started like the others around him. Yeah, he was focused, but why not have a little fun while you're racing to live and make money. Pulling out another cassette tape, he placed it in the cassette player as the red light came on. Popping his neck and pulling back out Cinnamon's leopard thong and hanging it like an ornament on his rear view mirror, Jimmy was ready...more than ever. This was for his brother as the red light went to yellow as his car was revving up. When the green light hit, his car's tires screeched, dashing off with two others who along with him started off with a good lead. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjUIiXd_BcQ]New Jack Hustler[/url] Jimmy knew that some of competition would have fast cars that would give him trouble but he didn't expect two bitches with such acceleration. #13, Alex and #18, Moira. pressing the clutch and shifting gears swiftly and smoothly, Jimmy looked out the window noticing Alex getting a small lead as he noticed Moira able to stay with them both. Jimmy watched both ladies keeping speed with them as they were soon approaching the first right turn [b]"If ya bitches end up in front of me, I don't care....I like hittin hos from the back anyway...I'll take both y'all chicks, ya dig? hehe!"[/b] he said in his car while the music was bumpin. Jimmy stayed to the right of the track. As the right turn was coming, he knew this was going to be a tight turn but he was going to take his foot off the accelerator as soon as the turn would come so to not crash or spin out but also not to go too slow to easily give up his placement in the race.