[@Chaotic Chao][@sirena][@TaliPaendrag][@Wicked Sweet][@unfallenangel][@Ace of flames01] [and anyone I missed] [h3]Loki Cage[/h3] [hr] Loki looked up at Taylor and slapped the floor. A behavior typical of cats and large felines that have been corned and are trying to give warning. His ears pin back flat to his skull as his eyes remain wide and scared. In all honesty, he probably has ptsd that when triggered sends him back to memories that then trigger a shift. The panther turns and paws at the wall making soft scared sounds before turned and bunching into the corner. A voice goes through his mind and it is greeted with feral flight feelings. Compared to feeling the fight side...this was better. He licks his lips showing discomfort and fear as he slaps the floor again..his sleek form shuddering somewhat and the fur lightly puffed. Soon, a newcomer burst in and cased him to hiss, lips curling up as he backed up more. He made another soft scared noise. Katherine soon approached and asked Taylor to back away. That did help...and yellow feline eyes met human. He grumbled but tilted his head as she spoke. He felt himself stop shuddering and his ears started to perk up. He was about to fully relax when the professor approached. It snapped the relaxation and sent his mind spiraling back into being feral. Ears snapped back and he slapped the floor again...but the professor got to close and caused for Loki to give an actual swipe and a hiss. He was tackled causing for him to completly panic. Nail scraped at the floor and several unhappy noises came from him. Then he stopped. the panther growled lowly before he looked up at Katherine. Still scared...but now more so as being pinned down made it worse...being crowded made him more scared. The eyes held little to no humanity in them...they seemed more Panther then when he was in human form. The more scared he became the less his human side controlled his body.