[@Caits] [color=00aeef]"Hm..."[/color] He didn't really respond, but he seemed to be enjoying the physical intimacy. His arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her in closer so that she was pressed tighly against him, his lips pressed against her in a tender kiss. He could still taste the sweet nectar of the fruits on her lips from before. Soon Ferris pulled away probably much to Jessie's disappointment, but soon went down to kiss her neck as his hands began to rub her back gently. The blush on his face was evident as he shyly touched her though he was getting braver. The only time they were like this was on their first date, but he was so plastered that he didn't have any recollection of it so for him he was nervous and stiff. Sure he talked a big game and acted flirtatious with her though he really was just a shy young guy trying to impress his girl. Ferris pulled away reluctantly and laid her down on her back, with him on top of her. [color=00aeef]"Jessie, I-" [/color]Things were going well, but as bad luck would have it, the charm had wore off. The pungent stink that radiated off him like gouda cheese that was sitting out in the sun for too long while sitting on an overheated radiator. The smell curled his nose all the way up, eyes teared up, his stomach lurching; he needed to wash up fast. [color=00aeef]"Loveyouseeyousoon!"[/color] Ferris spoke so quickly that his words ran together as he hopped off the bed and into the shower. Well, that was a mood killer. [@Caits][@Oblivion666][@Lugubrious] [color=ed1c24][b]ENMA[/b][/color] [color=ed1c24]"Oh quit your bitching Ike and just lend us a hand."[/color] The oni shouted back at the frail looking white haired man. He glanced at Gabriel and pat the top of his head as if he was a guilty child that needed reassurance that things were fine. Perhaps the guild had been hard on him lately, but it wasn't without purpose; Gabriel could become a much more powerful mage if he just used his head more and also took his head out of his ass when confronting others. Enma gripped the rope that Ike had thrown down to the trapped three and gave it a tug. [color=ed1c24]"Brace your scrawny pale ass!"[/color] Ike would feel as if he was trying to lift up a boulder as soon as Enma had begun to climb up the rope. Now Enma wasn't fat, far from it, but when someone is nearly seven feet tall and his body weight consists of mostly bulky muscle then it's safe to assume that he was packing some weight.