[b]Quarantine 17[/b] Quarantine 17 arrived at Gibraltar, all his trusty gear with him. After he heard the news of recall, it took him only a day to make his choice. The appearance of the base did not change much, except for the rust. He smirked as he walked across the buildings. The sight of them brought back his memories when he was in Overwatch. He would take part in missions, assisting his allies, some friends, some strangers. Then he got into this warehouse and.... He shook his head to finish his thoughts. He also realized that he got lost at least five times just to find a single door. He spotted the door, and grunted. All the time he spent, and it was right next to the area he searched ten minutes ago. Swearing under his breath, Quarantine 17 headed to the door. "Old memories." He grumbled as he stood in front of a door that would probably lead him to where the others were. Would they notice him? Or would they not? Maybe his 'faking one's death' strategy did not work well, and they would call him by his old name. But nothing mattered, for now he'll have to see familiar faces, whether he's happy with it or not. He knocked the door three times, waited for a second, and knocked three times again. Then he stood there, tapping his feet. [i]Now to wait for someone.[/i] He thought. According to some sound coming out from the door, he could speculate that the mood inside was rather bright. He checked his appearance, looking at his yellow hazard protection suit, and made sure that he was wearing his gas mask well.