[center][img]http://hgtvhome.sndimg.com/content/dam/images/hgtv/fullset/2013/12/4/0/DP_Jorge-Ulibarri-mixed-color-mediterranean-outdoors-circle-courtyard_h.jpg.rend.hgtvcom.616.411.jpeg[/img][/center] [h2][center]Xx---------------------------xX [color=DEBA5E][b]Samad[/b][/color] & [color=7CCD7C]Cade[/color] Xx---------------------------xX[/center][/h2] [indent][b]Location:[/b] Arriving at the Peraltas’ mansion [/indent] Cade leaned over the railing, his eyes stared into the sea. The waves lapped at the ship’s hull, shifting them subtly side to side, and propelled them forward. A seaman shouted down below about approaching land when the island quickly drew into view. At the cry, Cade lifted his hazel eyes to scan the horizon then frowned. He immediately reached up and removed his glasses, using his shirt to wipe away the salt water until he could see through them better. When clear, he replaced them back upon his nose with a soft smile. At that moment, he noted someone from his vision side causing him to shift his face to see Samad’s thicker figure. The Persian had been rather quiet for the majority of the trip creating some tension within Cade, unable to reach the older man’s mine thanks to their lacking harmony, and forced him to imagine the actual reasons for the mood. Gradually, the captain started to pull the cruiser into the harbor. The current Asylum pair were shortly joined by the others, including the Chronos, as several crewmen rushed to their positions. Their hands tossed ropes out to those upon the dock, who then lashed them down and started to pull the ship into port like some metal catch from the sea. It made a low rumble as it turned into the direction, lead by the guidelines and finally shuddered to a complete stop. A ladder was raised for all the bloodlines, Asylums and Chronos to disembark down to solid ground again. Cade noted, unsurprisingly, that the elder of the two Chronos was among the first off the metal behemoth. There was a slight note of relief and pleasure to be back on dry land as well causing the blond to frown in confusion. Not forgetting his medical bag, Cade leaned down to pick it up and followed Samad who was already making his way off the ship with the others. Briefly, upon spotting Anya, he couldn’t help but smile softly in her direction. A small way to let her know he was alright without actually saying then rushed to catch up with Samad’s departing figure. [h2][center]Xx---------------------------xX[/center][/h2] After a bit of a walk through the gates and into the main courtyard, they stumbled upon a rather chaotic scene. Several more Asylums were standing within the open space about the single fountain and seemingly had been paired off to engage in a sparring match, including what appeared to be their current leader with what looked to be a miniature bear. Cade instantly stopped in his tracks at the sight. His eyes widened and mind was unable to form the word going through his head, his figure frozen in place. Samad, on the other hand, busted out in a hoarse laugh when Yang promptly belted Geko with a sizeable rock. That was enough to break the spell of shock over Cade, his head jerked in Samad’s direction. His lips pressed tightly in disapproval but the Iranian simply just flashed a pleased smirk and ignored him. [COLOR=DEBA5E][B] “What? Not my fault they decided to have a stripping match here in front of Peralta’s estate where every single camera likely caught their every move.”[/B][/COLOR] He was unbothered by Cade’s scowling over his reaction while he shrugged it off.