[center][h1][colour=DarkViolet]Charoite[/colour][/h1][/center] The purple Gem walked for a little bit, simply lost deep in her thoughts; the swirling tempest of ideas and imagination. This couldn't be normal... It was like there was nothing. This place didn't really exist. Perhaps this was a dream? It felt real... The rock floor, the slight chill in the air, the screaming that resounded off the cavern walls into her ears which barely registered the sound any longer. There was a slight voice in her head. Something about... Newborns and... Water. Or was that the gemstone? It just sounded like buzzing to the girl, an annoyance, and she forced it away, far away. The voice was gone, that was good. She wouldn't have to listen to that damnable sound. It didn't so much as hurt as it was a general vexation. It couldn't have been the important, because if it was whoever that water person was would send it again. Hopefully. Her walk was interrupted by the appearence of some orange-y yellow person who started to speak to her. [color=fff200]"Dear purple one, do you know where I'm supposed to be?"[/color] what? Where they were... Supposed to be... Were they supposed to be somewhere? Charoite went to open her mouth, but any words she meant to speak were silenced indefinitely by a light pelting of rocks from above like a aeroplane dropping bombs on an enemy. She turned and looked, spotting a purple coloured gem not too different in shade to herself, yet lighter by a degree. Again, she would have said something, but this time nothing came out. It wasn't like the last time, where her speech was stopped by another event. No, this time her speech simply failed her. She opened her mouth to say something, her throat and voice box moved to make the sound, but no sound could be heard. It was like something was barring her from speaking, from making any sound save the gentle, rhythmic noise of her breathing. This couldn't be right... Speaking was one of the only things she had at this point, and now it was gone. Not that she could speak before... Was she mute? Was she born without the ability to speak at all? That couldn't be right... She had spoken in her dreams, there could be no way her voice was gone. Then what was wrong? Some kind of mental barrier, a useless defence mechanism that shutdown her voice box? The Gem almost didn't notice as two other people appeared in front of her. A person with dark red skin, and another heavily clad in armour, like someone from a fantasy setting. Surely that amount of weight would have been uncomfortable, no? The red man spoke. His voice was less like that marine person... It was almost nice to listen to, very different from the overwhelming annoyance the voice in her head caused. She turned to him; away from Orange, away from Rocky. And tried to speak once again. And again it failed. Where was her speech?! She looked up to the red man in a sort of anguish, but quickly replaced it with a smile. [i]I can speak.[/i] she thought. And she could. Maybe she didn't want to before, but now she did. And she would speak. Charoite would speak like she had never spoken before, which was for the most part true. How would it sound? Very much unlike that of the dream, surely. [colour=DarkViolet]"I-I... I w-want..."[/colour] her hand outstretched to take his and shake it, her voice unsteady, shaky and light. It was sweet, almost, and innocent, [colour=DarkViolet]"T-to live..."[/colour] [center][@SevenStormStyle][@rocketrobie2][@21308][@Kronshi][/center]