Regol agreed with Link, moving one level at a time might be more reasonable. Moving four or five levels would definitely cover more ground and faster, but exposing them for perhaps a greater time and could lead to a mistake if they didn't take there time. The courtyard was L-shaped all the way up, so they could cross back and forth between sides. There was plenty of construction and hook points for them to shoot up. Slow and steady on this part at least might be the safer route to take. Plus if Link didn't feel like he could handle such a distance and there was no pressure to go four levels at a time, then best they only go one by one. Regol knew something was off about Link, his connection to the shadows seemed to have all but vanished or been severed. Regol was a master of shadow magic, he was born of the shadows in the Twilight Realm, if someone had a connection to the shadows he could sense it no one had ever hidden this from him. It definitely raised questions as to how such a young boy could pull it off, he had proven his shadow abilities to be that of a master, but they seemed undisciplined and reckless when used. Though it was nothing to be concerned with as of right now, they had to focus on other matters. Regol took the hook shot and aimed it at the first level and then pointed across to the second level and so on and so forth to convey that thought they should go one level at a time, though he pointed at Caelan and then pointed at the fourth level and so on to try and say he could go ahead if he wanted to, perhaps having a scout might be beneficial, keep an eye on patrolling guards from a high level, if there were any.