Birth Name: Maeve Daughter of Rhiannon Alter Ego: Eve Gender: Female Age: Not entirely sure… Time is so funny to think about. Seems like I was born in the mid 500’s AD. I look good for my age! (Appearance of mid 20’s) Country of Origin: In what is now considered Wales Archetype: Supernatural. Fae. Succubus. Allegiance: Champions. Appearance: [url][/url] Powers/Skills: As a Succubus I feed off of people’s energy. More specifically amorous, lecherous feelings. Sexual if you will. In return I can create these feelings of lust or love in a person. My powers of persuasion are vast. I merely need to be close enough to encourage a certain vibe as it were. A touch is more than enough. Back when I was young I would take too much of my…’lovers’ energy and drain them entirely dry, leaving a corpse. But it’s been AGES since I’ve lost that kind of control. Now all I need is a sip here and there to keep me going. I don’t need to kill to survive. Of course the ability is still there… As it is other than my complete ability to attract and persuade I’m in effect human. An extremely long lived human who won’t die until my head is chopped off or my body dismembered or starved to death… To be clear I don’t mean food. Anyway! No extra strength, no particular ability to heal or fly or cast flames. I can be injured just as easily as a human. Equipment/Resources: I’ve been issued a gun of some sort…I believe they call it a 1911. I carry that around. I do miss the days with bows and arrows… I was quite handy with a knife. Do you remember when you had to carry around your eating knife? Those were the days. Ehem. I digress. Biography: Being a live as long as I have, and for so much of it in the shadows and in a world no one ever accepted, I’ve become a little … What’s the word? Jaded? No that’s not it. Ambivalent about it all. Yes. I was born in a village with my mother and my father. They were fae as well. We lived with others of our kind and it was a lovely little life. But Humans, as they are wont to do, eventually drove us out. Not intentionally, but purely by growing their own villages. Secrecy was paramount and when the humans came too close the clan was divided. By that time I was easily considered an adult and adventurous at that. I wanted to live among the humans as some of do, and feel and smell and taste their world. What a world. So loud, so alive, so vile. I watched the rise and fall of petty fiefdoms and kingdoms. I marveled at their tenaciously and short lives. At their violence.They did so much for the small amount of time they were here. I rather fell in love with the race as a whole. Of course…They were also my source of energy. Of life. Food... For eons I passed my time traveling and learning. Seeing all that there was and yet never being SEEN. For my appearance did not change, I did not age. I did not die. It sounds more lonely than it was. I always had fae I could be my true self with, and I had human friends who I could keep for a time before moving on. Forever wanting to know more, to learn, to touch and smell and feel, I traveled their world and learned every new thing I could. Every language, every dance, every song. When the time finally came for us fae to proclaim our true existence and step into the light I was beyond ready. Even more so, when the position for the Champions was offered I leapt at the opportunity to shape the world I had watched for so long. To work close to other creatures like myself and unlike myself. To see more. To be seen. The incident at Nagoya was …Regrettable. The Humans were livid… All their buildings smashed, people dead. I used the word regrettable for Culloden as well. And every French revolution there was (many). And those ‘world wars’. Humans have such short lives they cannot remember the horrors this world has gone through, and will go through. While it saddened me greatly to see my brethren fallen, and such a mess to be made, I suppose one might consider me dispassionate, for I do not feel the Champions did anything wrong. Accidents happen, lives will be lost. Regrettable but not damnable. Special Notes: Not currently