[center][img]https://epicaddiction.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/siege-fantasy-art-wallpapers_36303_2560x1600.jpg[/img] [hr][hr] [h1][i][u]LEGACY[/u][/i][/h1][i][h3][sub]"It is well that war is so terrible, otherwise we should grow too fond of it."[/sub][/h3] [hr][hr] For years the Old World found itself in a period of relative peace, but something stirs beyond the walls of civilization. From the great forests of the lands, the Beastmen seek to reclaim their ancient ancestral grounds from the races who stole it from them, their small raids becoming ever fiercer and larger. From the east, a new horde of Greenskins pour over the World's End Mountains, their bloodlust and warmongering unparalleled. From the north, the savage Norscan tribes with their unholy pagan gods are only becoming more and more dangerous as the bitter cold winds speak of great, horrific rituals they carry out for their gods now try to summon something. From the south, the living bones of a long dead empire reawakens, with them they carry the reclamation of their vast empire with legions of warriors that now serve them in death as they had in life. War is coming. A great, eternal war. This was a story of how people held firm in these dark times chasing after a glimmering beacon of hope. This was a story of how soldiers faced perilous odds but held brave in front of death. This was a tale of how leaders faced both bitter defeat and glorious victory. The battles would be legendary on a scale rarely ever seen before as would the hardships of war on the people. But from them would be forged the greatest of heroes and villains. This was their story. This was their Legacy.[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Welcome to the world of Salvus, one right on the edge of inevitable all out war. Inspired heavily by Warhammer Fantasy as well as some other fantasy universes, this NRP will be focused on a part of NRPs that we all love but never really get a chance to do, war. Yes, the main focus of this RP isn't diplomacy or expansion or whatever, its just war. That said, there are three things I am going to heavily stress: [indent]1 - You cannot "win", there is no victory and nations/races cannot be completely destroyed without their creator's approval first. This may be a war-based NRP, but its to create something more of a story and also letting people release their desire to write epic battles and just generally have bloody fun. 2 - While the main focus of the RP is good old fashioned killing with some grimdark mixed in, this isn't a nothing but slaughter edgefest. Even in times of great despair, people usually find something normal to do or to be happy about and your posts can relate to things outside of war such as rituals or just about normal civilians who aren't directly in the front lines. 3 - Rule of Cool is definitely in play here but I still do encourage some bit of reason and realism. Most armies aren't made up of only heavily armored knights in real life and they shouldn't be in here. Besides, that's a terrible tactical choice anyways. I'm not going to allow you to have magical nukes or for every single one of your soldiers to carry Unholy Flaming Bastard Swords of Brutal Skullfucking +99.[/indent] Because I don't know where to put this otherwise, here's the military crunchy bits which know are confusing. Trust me it was hard enough trying to write it out while knowing what was going on. [hider=Military Explaining/Crunchy Bits] Now we get into the interesting meat and bones of the NS. This is going to get a bit complicated, warning you now. Your units can be divided the following categories: [list][*]Light [*]Medium [*]Heavy [*]Large[/list] These should be fair self explanatory to anyone whose played strategy games before. Light, Medium, and Heavy all refer to the armor and weaponry of the unit, a group of archers with bows and daggers might be light infantry while full plate armored soldiers with great weapons would be Heavy. That said, relying solely on a single type of unit has obvious tactical drawbacks. Large refer to things larger than the average soldier, things such as Minotaurs, Giants, and Chaos Spawn would all count. Large units also tend to be Monsters units aka anything that's not a normal human/zombie/dwarf/elf/etc; all Monstrous units count as Large but not all Large units have to be Monsters. Tiers Basic separation of units by their quality, also should be familiar to many people who play strategy games. I will not be putting any hard limits and will hope that everyone can make good decisions on this and make stuff somewhat balanced out. That said, if there is something truly ridiculous, I will be stepping in. [list][*]Tier 1 - Units of this tier should be something like the weakest of your army or otherwise the least impressive. Things such as militia, conscripts, peasants, and slaves should be in this level. [*]Tier 2 - This is where your professional army starts to come in and its also the lowest a cavalry unit and artillery can go. [*]Tier 3 - Special/Elite units should occupy this slot. Something like knights or an elite version of one of your Tier 2 (or even 1) units should go here. [*]Tier 4 - The cream of the crop, this slot boasts the finest soldiers and warriors your nation/race can produce. Wether they be the most brutal, the most technological, the most experienced, these troops should understandably be few in number but legendary fighters. [/list] Heroes and Lords Lords are people who rule you race or nation and are asskickers in of themselves. Try to only have 1 or 2 at max. If you've already explained one in your government section and don't want to do another, you can skip over the lord section. Lords cannot be killed, only wounded unless you really want to kill them off. Heroes on the other hand are like Lord in beta-testing. They can be great warriors, powerful officers/leaders or mystical spell casters. They act similar to Lord albeit less powerful. Like Lords, they too can be wounded but they do tend to have slightly higher death rates. Pros and Cons Just a simple little thing to let everyone else get an overall feel for your army in a more direct way. I do expect some semblance of balance here, probably more so. I don't want to see anyone be extremely good at everything and then only have one downside. Pros and Cons should be something visible or RPable that you will do. If you say you lack archers or ranged then I shouldn't see much range in your unit roster. If you say that troops have poor moral, then I should see them be much more panicky and rout more often in-game compared to other soldiers. [/hider] NS guide that will certainly be edited, revised and explained more than once: [hider=Nation Profile Scheme][center][h1][b]Nation Name[/b][/h1][img]Flag/Symbol/Insignia/Crest[/img] [hr][hr][/center] [b][h2]Overview[/h2][/b] Your nation in brief, what are you all about? Where do you take inspiration from? [b][h2]Geography[/h2][/b][hider=Map Claim][img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/aaad/f/2009/268/1/5/blank_latminis_by_magnysovich.png[/img] [/hider] Draw your borders on the map to lay your claim. Describe the environment and geography as you wish within reasonable limits. Some important notes is that we're all somewhat in the northern hemisphere of the planet barring the southern regions so take that as you will. The west is largely cut off from us due to the World's End Mountains. If you play a nation with multiple smaller administrative zones (ie Fiefs, Baronies, Chiefdoms, Kingdoms, etc), you might want to list them here as well as any other important zones like major cities, fortifications and of course, your capital, if you have one. [b][h2]History[/h2][/b] Self explanatory, what are some major events/figures in your history? Any historical rivalries or encounters between you and other nations/races? What about alliances and stuff? [b][h2]Government[/h2][/b] Simple run down of how you're nation runs, does it have cities and settlements or is it a horde? Reminder that your "king"-like character will be one of your Lord characters (aka one of the badasses who can lead armies and kick ass in their own right). [b][h2]Race Description[/h2][/b] Explain a bit about your race and any natural leanings they may have. If they're just humans than feel free to skip this part. [b][h2]Culture[/h2][/b] How does your people act most of the time/stereotypically? We're most focused on military culture and things like it but feel free to expand on it as much as you'd wish with holidays, customs, habits, etc if you want. [b][h2]Economy/Industry[/h2][/b] How does your nation make money and the stuff they need? Anything unique tech wise that you've come up with? Do they just raid for everything and use slaves and such? Again, try to make it simple but if you really feel the need, go ahead and fill it out to you're heart's desire. [b][h2]Magic[/h2][/b] What kind of magics does your race use if at all? If they don't use magic, do they have some other method of using something close? You can just copy the "lores" of magic from any generic fantasy universe (ie Lore of Flames, Lore of Night, etc); if you an other player both use the same lores or one of the same lores, then please do talk to them about this. I'd prefer that everyone using Lore of Flames knows exactly what a fireball does rather than having to deal with 4 different types of them. [hider=Spell Format] [code][b]Name:[/b] What is the spell called? [b]Lore:[/b] What Lore (type) of magic is it? Fire, Storm, Beast, etc. Feel free to make up your own lore if you feel inclined. [b]Type:[/b] (Offensive, Support, AOE, Single Target, Debuff, Buff, etc) [b]Short Description:[/b] Tell us a little about your spell, enough to wrap our heads around it.[/code] [/hider] [b][h2]Military[/h2][/b] Tell us about your army, namely the units. Feel free to add as much other fluff as you wish so long so first do your roster. [hider=Unit Format] [code][b]Name:[/b] Whats the Unit called? [b]Type:[/b] What kind of unit are they? [b]Short Description:[/b] One or a few lines about what they are, what weapons they carry, Total War style if that makes any sense[/code] [/hider] [hider=Lord/Hero Format] [code][b]Name:[/b] Whats is their name/titles? [b]Position:[/b] What spot do they occupy in your faction? [b]Powers:[/b] Do they have anything of note about them or use any spells or carry any unique weapons? [b]Short Bio/Personality:[/b] A few short lines on why/how they came to power and how are they generally perceived.[/code] [/hider][/hider] An explanation of how victories can be negotiated/drawn up, curtsey of [@RisenDead] the coGM. [hider=Choosing a Victor] [h1]BATTLE MECHANICS[/h1] The running focus of this Roleplay is to engage in full scale Warfare. The idea is not to win, or to lose, but to write out the stories that happen during the course of a battle. If you can write an epic battle that takes a month for the two of you to move forward a single day, we love it! That is what we are here for. The agony, the drama, the glory, the heroes, the savagery. We want everyone else in this Roleplay, and anyone who reads it, to be imagining themselves in the shoes of your soldiers, your people, your citizens, we want them lying awake staring at the ceiling as they try to sleep saying to themselves: "What the f**k did I just read and when is the next segment coming out!?" In order to facilitate this, [@Clocktowerechos] and myself have decided to go with a very simple Battle Mechanic. It is as follows: [h3]Player Agreed Outcome[/h3] This is preferable way of doing things. You intend to attack your neighbour and take their lands! Rawr! Well, first, because we don't [i]actually[/i] have real life armies, you must PM the person you are attacking. The two of you can then decide how things are going to work out. Once you have decided on an outcome, let the battle commence, amaze us with your epic storyline and ultimate outcome. You can fight skirmishes, battles, or even the whole war this way. If you are both happy with the plan, we will not prevent you from making it happen. (Unless its complete bullshit, then we'll have words) [h3]Games Master Controlled Outcome[/h3] In the unlikely (Hopefully) situation where two players cannot agree on an outcome, or they would rather just "roll the dice" and see what happens we will do exactly that, and roll the dice. Using this [url=https://www.wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm]Random Dice Generator[/url] we will decide the outcome of the skirmish, battle, or war, based on the following formula; 1-3 Blue wins 4-6 Red Wins Difficult to grasp at first, but if I can wrap my head around it, anyone can. The dice roll will be the final say and not a negotiation. This is important for all players to realize. If you can't Roleplay your losses as well as you can your wins, you probably shouldn't be doing life in general, let alone Roleplaying. If you don't like the mechanic please feel free to look elsewhere for a Roleplay to join. We want to keep it simple, and preferably have players sort it out amongst themselves as I do believe we are all adults, or near enough to. Once you've got the roll back from a Games Master, please feel free to work it out amongst yourselves how the fight is going to go. If one person refuses to cooperate, they lose. Simple. We're in this together so I hope we will see plenty of player generated awesomeness, or some excellent "Well screw you dice" moments and their outcome. [/hider] Current claims also map curtsey of RisenDead. [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/16046c57-78ee-4008-8a74-ec32c1919d20.jpg[/img] [hider=Claims List] Pink - [@Vocab] (Vulpin) Green - [@POOHEAD189] (Dwarves) Yellow - [@Willy Verb] Red in the north- [@Aristo] (The Commonwealth) Lavender - [@wxps350] (Dark Elves) Teal/Pale White-ish - [@Brithwyr] (Fae) Blue - [@RisenDead] (Rhune) Orange Red in the south - [@Lauder] (Orruks) Purple - [@SupremeCommander] (Yore) [/hider] [hr][hr] Are you ready to forge a legacy in an age of war?[/center]