[@OtomostheCrazy] Alright here is the rundown: Professor Cedar had a 'giveaway' to less fortunate kids in a sort of bio-dome where they can catch their first Pokemon freely for a limited time, it is an important event and thus many Professor's from previous generations of Pokemon are there as well as higher society people. The line to get in was very long but eventually dissipated, all the while a con artist (Ace) swindled those waiting in line. Fantasia, daughter of a wealthy Ultra Ball scientist had flown in for the occasion to pick up a very expensive Pokedex - ultimately getting bored and was redirected into Charlie's (the Professor's son) direction. The two get into a loud argument drawing the attention on nearby onlookers, while everyone was distracted Ace ordered his Zorua to steal something valuable from Fantasia whom clearly has a lot of money. Charlie joins the rest of the RP for a brief moment to capture his shiny Beldum, while Fantasia freaks the fuck out and is in a panic - alerting security of a thief on the property while asking Charlie for help, whom deny's her request with some sick burns and heads out to Casteliacone. Ace notices security has caught on to him and he makes a run for it, having his Shiny Zorua turn into a huge red Gyrados to scare away those in pursuit, throwing a smoke bomb into the street to make a clean get away into an alley, swinging into a 180 the opposite direction the cops are - which happens to be the direction of Casteliacone which he stops at as a reward for Zorua. Meanwhile, Fantasia believes Charlie stole her Pokedex and heads after him. Deneb and Charlie get their cones while Rolf's Buizel causes mayhem and destroys what is left of the iced cream, the vendor gets furious and Charlie pulls him away before the lady gets even more upset. Charlie and Rolf share a friendly encounter with a funny eye-cream shot by Shiny Beldum when Rolf gets a bit anxious about his Buizels destruction and goes to apologize. The vendor is still clearly upset, hollering for security to let them know what happened. Ace knew that would put his freedom in jeopardy, so he pays off the Vendor for the whole cost of the damages. Fantasia confronts Charlie about stealing her Pokedex, only to find her intuition was wrong and the magician who stole her Pokedex is only a few feet away from her. She notices the tip of the Pokedex glistening out of his pocket, and notifies security. The officers walk up in attempts to go question Ace, but Ace has Rolf repay his debt by distracting and diverting the guards attention toward something else - chatting them up until a decent amount of time had past, and pointing them into the opposite direction. Now you are pretty much caught up. You are welcome! :P