[@AbysmalDemon][@MissFortune] [center][h2][color=39b54a]Deneb Astrologian[/color][/h2][/center] Deneb walked onwards, wandering the town as he normally would, searching for even a hint of a solution to his goal. The only difference between now and before was that s Maractus was fallowing him, shaking her maracas as they traversed the streets of the town. The boy didn't know what to do. Sure, maybe if he was lucky, Maractus would agree to help him with his predicament, but for now she seemed to just want to do anything she wanted with no care as to what he said. They continued to aimlessly wander, with Deneb spacing out along the way. When he regained his focus, he heard a voice. [color=Lightblue]"Give us Fantasia's Pokédex!"[/color] The tone of the voice sounded threatening, and the source of the noise looked to be demanding something. It was really none of Deneb's business, but he found himself in the middle of the event. Even if it was an accident, he found that he had become part of it regardless. Deneb stared at the two, standing in the middle of what looked to be some sort of unpleasant interaction. A security guard that he hadn't even noticed before. Deneb tilted his head, while Maractus stood between them with the intent to protect the child.Denrb furled his brow in response to his perception of the situation.