[color=fff79a]"Well that wasn't a planned exit."[/color] Topaz told herself as she slid off of the nearby slope into what appeared to be a nice forest. As she navigated her way away from the weird sounds, she heard the sounds of almost a mechanical wind if she had to describe it. [color=fff79a]"Well I'll never get anywhere if I don't find people."[/color] Topaz muttered to herself as she followed the sound as fast as she could, and only praying that she could find people and finally have a friend. As she thought to herself how much friendlier it sounded then what ever was going on in that weird foreign place she woke up at. Following the mechanical wind to a giant black line in the middle of the forest. [color=fff79a]"How..... Unique?"[/color] Topaz shyly said as she followed the strange line. After awhile Topaz finally saw a beautiful sight come into play that she loved as she could only compare it to that evil lonely place that she woke up at. Where there was once a shrill shrieking noise there was now friendly conversation, where there was a loud explosion there was now only friendly faces that are nonchalant, peaceful, and possibly caring if she knew them. All she could do was smile with this new found hope as she headed toward this amazing sight before her.