[color=2e3192][center][h1] Kyle "Skotos" Hishamie [/h1][/center][/color] Age: 20 Sex: Male Offensive: Dark Matter Blast/Manipulation Defensive: Teleportation Enhanced: Heightend Senses [hider=Appearance] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/04/b4/3b/04b43be3c8bd2df1409699904cd017ad.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Bio] Kyle has always been very unfortunate. Sometimes he thought it was because he has powers, sometimes when he was in a good mood he would joke and say it was because the universe couldn't stand how good looking he was. Kyle lost both his parents when he was only a year old and was raised by his older brother Conner. While his brother chose to feed them through more illegal activites, Kyle would try to use his powers to help wayward strangers. Most of the time it ended in disaster, for his powers have always been slightly unstable, Kyle would sometimes pull through. Such as actually rescuing the cat in the tree instead of vaporizing it, stopping the neighborhood bully and not sending him to the hospital in doing so, you know that sort of thing. Kyle did try to follow in his brothers footsteps, but he would always muck something up and nearly get everyone caught. So kyle wasn't a criminal, wasn't a hero, he was just........Kyle. That mostly changed when Conner became a world renown super villain called Phantom. He ended up holding an entire town for ransom against the US government, receiving one hundred million dollars in an untraceable account, then killed the mayor, all his staff, and multiple heroes. Conner hasn't been directly seen since but he has built up an army of mercenaries and villians in an organization called The Ghosts. Kyle has tried to maintain a distance from him since, only being identified by certain super villians, and vowed he would bring his brother to justice. All that was five years ago. Kyle is twenty now and was practicing controlling his powers when he accidently hurt a few random civilans walking by. Kyle felt so guilty he rushed them to the nearest hospital. What he didn't know was that it was all a ploy, used to capture him. Kyle was arrested at the hospital and brought to the compound the next day. [/hider] [color=ed1c24][center][h1] Kieran [/h1][/center][/color] [hider=My Hider] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/destined-dynasty-warriors/images/0/0a/Rex_valentime.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140618092407[/img] [/hider]