[quote=@EWillden] [@LokiLeo789] Hey look at the bright side,.. your character had his first kiss and he just started. lol I think right now the only innocent trainers who are actually trying to go on a adventure at this point is Rylen, Hotaru, and Ian.... [@Heckno12] Which reminds me... if your character once less chaos perhaps he should rush out and bump into Rylen and Hotaru. At least with us you wont get sexuall abused, verbally abused, and... you know what you wont get any form of abuse from us two. lol [/quote] Not sure. Once Ray gets himself registered, gets a few potions, he's hitting Route 5 to train. Not sure Rylen, Hotaru, and Ian's plan, or how [@Rune_Alchemist] would feel about a group of 5. Yall might not be able to sleep, and he will be engaged in his hardcore nighttime training. Edit: [url=http://orig03.deviantart.net/1f49/f/2015/184/d/9/pokedex_concept_by_veer_chidar__full_image__by_veerchidar-d8zqmzq.jpg]The rest of that Pokedex.[/url]