Eli didn't know what to expect when he walked in. He figured the inside would be as good as the outside, yet he didn't expect how sturdy everything looked. As he walked in he shined a flashlight at the ceiling. His biggest worry was it falling in. However everything inside looked recently replaced. On one of the walls he found an old rail lantern. He chuckled to himself as he lit it. "This could for a few hundred dollars. Only in Nobles." The wooden building was little more than a shack. Inside was basically a somewhat spacious work shop that led into the mineshaft. Even Eli was a little disappointed by what he saw. He didn't expect much more than a place to lay down and keep dry. It wasn't till he went into the mine that he started to realize what was really going on. The power lined that ran along the ceiling looked almost new. Eli knew instantly that wherever they led was going to be exactly what they needed. It seemed like with every step he took inside the mine it only got cooler. There was a foreboding sense of isolation and something very bleak about the mine. It was just wide barely wide enough two people to stand shoulder to shoulder and just hair over six feet tall. The darkness of the mine was enough to make Eli want turn back. here seemed to be a slight breeze flowing through the mine. Eli found comfort in that, at least this place well ventilated.