[I][color=F2C7CE]"Oh, uh... Yeah, I can take it out there."[/color] Carmen responded, leaning back in his chair, coffee in hand. The deliveryman before him looked... well, twitchy would be generous. The guy was clearly tweaking out on[/I] something[I], and Carmen didn't feel like trying to tell the guy that his client would probably be back home soon to sign off on the delivery he seemed rather eager to drop off. Something about a schedule he had to keep, bigwigs to keep happy, a job on the line if every single package wasn't delivered today. Apparently the recipient, that odd orange girl, had last been spotted headed toward the wasteland. Carmen didn't usually run deliveries on weekend, and this was a pretty sketchy offer, but he didn't press for details, especially not when he was handed $80 to run just outside town and drop this thing off. Easy job (how could he miss that orange-haired kid in such a desolate place?) so long as he was back here at 5 to drop off the signed delivery form. Easy money, no problem...[/I] __________ [color=F2C7CE]"I should have just cost that man his job and finished my chemistry paper..."[/color] Carmen grumbled, covering his head to hide him from the shower of rocks that had just erupted from the earth in front of him. He'd been here all of ten minutes and Hell seemed intent to free itself from under the crust of the earth. There were screams and explosions, humanoids rising like from the ground like it was Dawn Of The Dead. He'd paid enough attention in history class to know what this place was, and past experience was enough for him to wish he had a horde of the undead to deal with over the what was really out in the fog. This delivery just got... Difficult. Carmen took a moment to fish his essentials out of his bag; his mask, his grappling canon, and the package. He was going to find that weird orange kid, Maeve, and then he was going to beat it back to town as fast as he could and gear up for what was likely going to be the coming apocalypse. If gems were starting to come back, there was no telling how bad that could play out, especially for Mohs town. The young delivery boy slipped his mask on, strapped his grappling device to the bottom of his right forearm, and tucked the package into his jacket pocket, and after a breath to calm his nerves, darted out from behind the boulder he'd taken cover behind. Orange, orange, he had to find someone that was orange, and pray it wasn't one of the gems... and if it was, he prayed that they wouldn't attack him on sight. More of these humanoids forced themselves free of the canyon walls above, and other still moved about in the fog before him. He darted past a green, a purple, a yellow, another green, a red thing... It was so hard to see in this fog! He considered trying to use one of these weird, giant machines that were sitting all over the place to get a better view on-- There! It had taken a few minutes, but he saw a cloudy, orange shape through the fog, along with two blues. He was about to approach, but something... Someone was whispering to him? No, it was... In his head? 'Come to me', it had said. If these gems were trying to congregate for something, he didn't want to be here for it. He needed to finish the job and go. Carmen sighed, and started moving again, this time taking things slow and approaching cautiously. [color=F2C7CE]"Miss Maeve?"[/color] Carmen called, stopping once he could make out the features of the figures before him. That was definitely the kid... With two gems, plus another. At least two of them seemed distracted with hugging. Right, that could potentially be bad. [color=F2C7CE]"Uh... Sorry to interrupt whatever..."[/color] He started, looking at the gathering mass of gems. [color=F2C7CE]"'This' is, but, I just need you to sign off on this delivery..."[/color] Carmen pulled the manila folder from his pocket, the order to sign stuck to the back. He awkwardly held it out, the pink 'eyes' of his mask anxiously darting between Maeve and the gems near her. [@Akayaofthemoon] [@pyroman] [@EnterTheHero]