[color=00aeef]"There are... A lot of answers here, so I'll be going through them in order."[/color] Sodalite smiled to the Emerald, bowing her head ever so slightly as she looked around. [color=00aeef]"This,"[/color] She motioned around herself. [color=00aeef]"Is the Kindergarten, your birthplace. Another young gemling, ready to explore this world and everything is has to offer. We will be leaving shortly, just as soon as we round everyone up and make sure everyone is safe."[/color] Again, she smiled at him. [color=00aeef]"Your eyes are one of your abilities, Emeralds like you could use them for many things, but it takes a sharp mind to figure out what it can do beyond its intended purpose."[/color] Her eyes turned to Aqua. She was still processing all of the information that she asked for, not to mention she had to keep the link up between herself, Soda, Carnelian, and all of the gemlings. She could stand in for conversation for now, being the completely unofficial but hopeful second in command to Aquamarine. Maybe Carnelian saw herself as second? However it was, Soda was right there, and she could answer some questions for now. [color=00aeef]"One of Aquamarine's abilities is to speak to us telepathically, through our minds. She's busy trying to talk to a lot of people at once. "[/color]