Name: Jurgin Pierce Gender: Male Age: 24 Appearance: Darcsen, (AKA black hair), dark-blue eyes. Tall and muscular, burn scar on left side of face, incredibly pale skin otherwise. Rank: Private Class: Shocktrooper Weapons and Equipment: Mags M1 (machinegun), Ragnaid (medical), B-Type M1 (grenade), Home-made Bayonet (designed for his Mags M1). Personality: Quiet, obedient, all around peaceful man. Abhors violence outside of the front, but when the call to battle comes, isn't afraid to charge headlong into battle, almost recklessly so, to protect his comrades. Bio: Born to Darcsen parents in Gallia, Jurgin's childhood was one of being bullied and mocked for his heritage. As his parents made sure to raise him to ignore the contempt his 'friends' gave him, Jurgin grew up simply tolerating the blatant hatred his peers threw his way in the form of verbal assault and on occasion eggs or even bricks in rare cases. He graduated from the academy, particularly focusing in infantry maneuvers and squad-based tactics typical of infantry. Following his graduation, Jurgin had originally sought to settle in Bruhl before being called back to his family's side. Despite his best attempts to help comfort his father and mother in their old age, both passed away within weeks of each other. One to old age, the other of a broken heart. When the war for Gallia's independence began in earnest, Jurgin immediately answered the call to arms. While he disliked the idea of inflicting pain upon others (something his parents drilled into him endlessly), he continues to fight on in the hopes that he may represent Darcsen in a positive light. He fights to help, however slightly, improve the plight of his kin. RP Sample: [hider=My Sample] The pickaxe rose, then it fell again, the loud [i]CLINK[/i] and [i]THUMP[/i]of iron meeting stone and dirt respectively rung out as it did elsewhere in the mine. Each worker's tools rung out in near unison. Elsewhere the rattling of jack-hammers could be heard breaking up larger rock formations. The blue-white glow of Ragnite slowly filled Jurgin's vision as he worked in rhythm with the melody in his head. Another large vein to add to the cart, perhaps he might even get a bonus for this one! As he slowly carved the massive mineral free, he carefully loaded the large hunk into the mine-cart, wearily pushing it back towards the foreman's room higher up in the mine. With his work shift ended and Jurgin himself almost completely exhausted, he trudged his way home, wearily greeting and waving to the few familiar friendly faces in town that acknowledged him. as he slowly opened the door to what was 'home' for the time being he announced to his parents he'd returned. His mother came to the door to hug him gingerly as he quietly handed her his day's pay of Ducats. She resisted, of course she did, she always hesitated to take his money. But when he insisted as he always did she thanked him, rushing back to check on her sickly husband. Jurgin shambled his way into the kitchen to scramble together something worth eating before making the slow climb up to his room to wake up and do it all over again.... [/hider]