[@pyroman]Emerald took in this fascinating(had to stop myself from making a pun) information. Well, he wanted to leave this wretched place now, with its [b]ho[/b]l[i]es[/i] and gray dust. He wanted out as soon as possible. [color=00a651]"Can we leave really, really fast? This place is tErrIFying!"[/color] He ducked behind the larger gem and turned his eyes up, illuminating everything in the beam to the point where the glare became irritating. The holes would not get him this time! He caught a green gem farther away as he scanned around, the beams briefly passing over everything, sometimes doubling back, and he thought [i][color=00a651]Oh wow, another me![/color][/i] He pointed at the green gem and said [color=00a651]"Is that another me? It looks just like me! But floating! And a bit taller!"[/color] Unknowingly, he was probably hurting the other green's eyes. [@EnterTheHero]Or some scientificy sounding word that would mean the same thing.