[color=F08080][center][h3][b][I] Hidden in plain sight. You are a Music student. [/I][/b][/h3][/center][/color] [center][img]https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Vermont+NY+road&view=detailv2&&id=1314A21FF2286005A83F52DA3243D66A4F4FBCE0&selectedIndex=11&ccid=pg%2fP9NUx&simid=607998595177841186&thid=OIP.Ma60fcff4d531524b224f4b2513be8047o0&ajaxhist=0[/img][/center] [center][I][color=F08080] Music is no longer appreciated. It is no longer taken seriously as a passion and certainly not as a career. At University of Vermont, you must pursue a different field, something that you could actually make a living in doing, and something you won't be patronized for. However, in a place that very few know of, Abbey Falls, is where all the others like you gather to do the thing they really love, share their gift of music. Singers and instrumentalists from all over the state of NY gather here to sing, play and others, simply just to listen. Abbey Falls could be described as your safe place. There is a beautiful open field, a small waterfall that runs into a little stream and a secret building only people with certain abilities can access. Unless of course if you're a student and you have your necklace. Because no one appreciates music anymore, no one knows what a whole note, half note, fermata or rest looks like. Be as expressive with your musical symbols as you want; no one knows what they mean. Lie about it all you want. Each Music student receives a necklace the first day of class with which they can be identified by. [hider=Men's Necklace][img]https://img1.etsystatic.com/046/0/5876352/il_570xN.708749315_qcyu.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Women's Necklace][img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/47/07/50/4707509c8a45c2231fa92f3105b4e4b7.jpg[/img][/hider] You come here for class. Yes you have your other classes you don't really care about such as Math, English, Biology, whatever your major requires. But you also signed up for music classes. Choir, Music Theory, Keyboard Lab, Concert Band and Composition are held here in a building only few know of. Don't be fooled. The building is disguised to resemble someone's house. Look for a rather large log cabin. You may sign up for only one or even all of these classes, but there is a catch. Enroll at your own risk. In this society, music majors are the bottom of the barrel. You would be questioned, shunned and turned away by the majority of the school's population. That is why you must choose a false major when you enter the University. Whatever it be, it can't be Music. They would not have accepted you if they knew you were someone they did not respect. You are looked down upon as a waste of the government's time and money. You must play the part. You will be disenrolled should anyone find out. [hider=Abbey Falls][img] http://www.zastavki.com/pictures/640x480/2015/Nature___Waterfalls_A_small_waterfall_in_the_forest_093745_29.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Music Building][img] http://www.standout-cabin-designs.com/images/small-cabin-design14.JPG[/img][/hider] You may choose to live on campus, with relatives or in an apartment nearby the school. Living in the dorms is the most dangerous option, but an option nonetheless. This will require the most secrecy. You will have roommates and they will ask you questions. Let's just say you become a very good liar at this point in your life. All instruments are kept at the music building and NEVER leave Abbey Falls. This must be clear to everyone. You may try to break the rules if you like but don't expect me not to react to it. . . The instruments you may choose from if you are an instrumentalist is as follows: (If you don't know what one is, look it up) [hider=Instruments] -Flute -Clarinet -Trumpet -French Horn -Tuba -Trombone -Alto Saxophone -Tenor Saxophone -Baritone Saxophone -Bass Clarinet -Violin -Cello -Guitar -Percussion[/hider] And of course, if you're a vocalist, you are your own instrument. Now I must explain your Gift. Something has always been different about you since you discovered that Music was your passion. Something awoke inside of you. You have an ability that others do not and also, cannot comprehend. Whether it be your voice, or something involving the instrument you play, you have some sort of supernatural ability. This ability is both meant in a literal, magic sense and also in a metaphorical one since you can play an instrument, which is a gift of its own. Please be creative! I would love to see some off the wall shit up in here. Whether it be healing, fighting, invisibility, anything. Unless its too OP. Then I will yell at you for it. Choose wisely. Here are the rules: [hider=Rules] 1. No God modding. For all of you the choose fighting gifts. . . 2. When you're trying to get my attention, whether it be in IC or OOC, please use the mention button. It helps a lot. 3. Please try to use proper spelling and grammar. If English isn't your first language it doesn't matter as long as I can understand what you're trying to get across. 4. Have any suggestions or questions, PM me 5. No fighting in the OOC. Keep that in PM's. 6. What I or a coGM says, goes. Fight me. 7. Post character sheets in OOC, wait for acceptance, then post in the CHAR tab. 8. More than one paragraph is encouraged. I would like to see inner thoughts, conflicts and character development. Interaction between characters is my favorite! 9. If you are going to be absent, or have to drop, let me know. Your character will be frozen for the time you are gone, or if you drop, I will do one of two things: take your character out of the story, or give them away for someone else to play. 10. Not really a rule but, please recommend. I would like this concept to grow. [/hider] [hider=CS] Name: Age: Gender: Appearance (Real people preferred, not anime): Sexuality: Personality: Relationship Status: Family/Friends: Bio: Gift: Instrumentalist or Vocalist: False Major: Years Attended University: [/hider] [/color][/i][/center]