I think it is best that I just leave the Rp and the website in general Nobody here seems to understand what a blind Roleplay is anyway Where you Roleplay your char not knowing everything about the other chars Like a blind Playthough for games.. You play it without having any knowlage about what is happening That is what I was doing.. But Oh well Apparently you can trap me in a cage ( Without attempting you just said you trapped me givng me no real option to accept the cage or not) But when I want to break free of the cage i cant because you will just claim that it will freeze me. ( But my char has no way of knowing it because well you do not read details or as you said you choose to ignore some of them or not mention them. ) But you can trap me right and that is what I considered god modding. trapping me without even me agreeing ( your first post made that clear ) Anyway I am deleting all my posts..Please make no References to my char..He does not exist anymore He never existed Enjoy your Roleplay Everyone and your website Do not mention me please in posts