[Center][B]☆ Helena ☆[/b] [/center] Helena sat and half listened to the conversations that were going on around her. She knew some names and she at least recognized every face in there. She'd seen them all often enough to know if they were student or staff or teacher. But that was about it for the most part. She was fairly certain that the ones at the table with her were named Baulder, and...well maybe she didn't know enough names. That would have to be fixed. They were talking about one not the missions that had been posted. She was fairly sure at least. She'd only half heard half of what they were saying. It was rude to listen to others conversation after all. But she kinda needed to butt into their conversation regardless. Well, she could not, but she wanted the honey pot that was over by them and not within her reach. She cleared throat, looking to them as she pushed up her glasses on her nose. “Excuse me,” she said, waving her fingers at them and trying to at least sound pleasant even if she was sure she looked like death. “Would one of you be so kind as to hand me the honey pot, please?”