[quote=@hatakekuro] My dad is actually a horrible person. He isn't planning on living up to the divorce agreement by not paying my mom money even though the agreement states I need to graduate college first. He cheated on my mom, praticatlly abandoned me, my brother, and my mom and has thrown us into many years of hardship and struggles while he is able to afford a lofty life full of trips to places around the world and going out to expensive restaurants. [/quote] Jeezus... fucking christ man. I feel sorry for you about that. Thankfully my dad isn't nearly as bad, but lets just say he was a bit... how should I put this... "Loud". He can be annoying, and doesn't get along with my mom too well at times, doesn't have a job, suffers from clinical depression (Appearantly), but at the same time, he still means good. But shit... this guy. This guy is a heartless bastard from what I'm hearing. Hope things go for the best man. Wish I can help.