[quote=@Lmpkio] Jeezus... fucking christ man. I feel sorry for you about that. Thankfully my dad isn't nearly as bad, but lets just say he was a bit... how should I put this... "Loud". He can be annoying, and doesn't get along with my mom too well at times, doesn't have a job, suffers from clinical depression (Appearantly), but at the same time, he still means good. But shit... this guy. This guy is a heartless bastard from what I'm hearing. Hope things go for the best man. Wish I can help. [/quote] He doesn't mean good. He doesn't think of the consequences of his actions and how it would hurt those around him. I'm sick of having to deal with him and I really hate the fact that I feel like I have to pretend to like him in order for him to pay for college.