After a short rest in a more comfortable position, Lusso seemed to have recovered some of her stamina. She got back to her feet, still a bit unsteady, nodding to those who had answered her question. "My name's Lusso... I think." She said, patting the dust off her skirt and straightening it when she noticed that Shawn was eyeing her with [i]'hungry'[/i] eyes. Listening to Marianne's teases and her cold voice, made Lusso shudder, the girl's hairs standing tall from head to toes. "You are different. We don 't know why, but we feel something strange about you." Lusso said,strangely referring to herself in the plural, before turning to the others, "We don't know for how long we've been locked here but, there were times when we were certain that there was someone else here with us, staring while we slept. Maybe... should we leave this place, before they come back again?" Meanwhile, the raven flew to the small table beside the armchair. It stood there, idly cawing while beaking what looked like a a box of fine cigars.