[@dabombjk][@Heckno12] [@fer1323] [@OtomostheCrazy][@LuckyBlackCat] [center] [color=gold][h1]Nyxx Hollow[/h1][/color][/center] Nyxx grumbled as her peppy ball of energy was gone in an instant being replaced, but this low attention span, half zombie of a girl that honestly couldn’t care less. She sat there on the ground with her legs stretched out, ears twitching when Kyle started to speak to her, but his words didn’t reach her brain until after a minute had already passed and she grabbed his hand to let him help her stand up. Once standing straight up, she was leaning back a little slouched over just a tad and yawned out loud. [color=gold]“Don’t be so dramatic”[/color] she chucked teasing him before taking out the Pokeball holding Lupin the Swablu [color=gold]“Guess I should heal him”[/color] she grumbled again putting it on her belt right next to Nelz’s ball. [color=gold]“Oh that reminds me come get a good rest Nelz you’ve earned it”[/color] she said recalling her Buneary. Scratching the back of her head she began a show lazy shuffle out of the park making her way to the PokeCenter without a care in the world. The doors opened and she walked through complaining the entire way to the nurse about how much of a pain Lupin was to catch putting the two balls on the counter and asking the Nurse to heal them. Being that it would take some time Nyxx looked around and noticed the other trainers from the lab going on about something, most likely not important, but what really caught her eye was the massive poster on the wall that stretched a considerable distance across all sides of the wall. ‘Mistress Hollow’ it reads under it showing a Pokémon coordinator with long elegant red hair and dazzling dress, looking exactly like an older version of Nyxx if she cared enough to put some effort in her appearance. [color=gold]“I didn’t know mom came here too”[/color] she comments her eyes opening up slightly wider to take in the view.