[center]The Atlantean watched them babble on about him. He spaced out completely with his hand on the base of chin, as one of the two unknown men waved their arms out to show they did not gills. Whilst they did this, he thought about the one unanswered question. Who [i]Was[/i] he? He knew, now, that he was something that they called an 'Atlantean'. But where did he come from? The dire situation from hydration earlier caused him to be suspect on the ideal of himself coming from the sea.. This would, easily, make sense. He turned around to stare out the shattered window, on his cause. The sea in front of him waved as he stressed on the thought of his home. On his command of anger and frustration, he slammed his fist against the guard of the window. Immediately the water all around the Titan's manor revealed itself to be in the same mood as him. They washed over the land and moved against the windows, causing him to be soaking wet and surprised. His jet-black hair drooping behind his shoulders. He strained, digging his fingers into the wall next to him so hard that it cracked, debris fell down next to his wet and unclothed feet. Being unscathed by the newfound storm that followed the manor above, he had been struck with a vision of his damned past..[center] [center][IMG]http://i1132.photobucket.com/albums/m571/ecargwilliams/917126-blackest_night_2_7_zps31991ea4.jpg[/IMG][center] [center][B]"FOR ATLANTIS!"[/B][/center] [center]The expansion of the bloodshed rang out through the waters that were washing over the surface land. Beams of pure blue energy came to spiral into the vicinity, sending other gill-armed figures back with armor pierced. In the midst of the bloodshed, a six foot warrior stood. His long, black, and spiked hair was falling down to his ankles, its long length fluttering through the sea. His Mediterranean-blue opticals shined greatly as he stepped from the depths of the shadows[/center] [center]Revealing himself to be in dark armor, which was swirled and decorated, covered, in Atlantis wording and art. The art's confines held the kraken's carved tentacles swirling around the torso, and all the way to the legs. In his right hand he held his long, fourteen foot sword. It was completely black with the hilt wrapped in dragged and rugged cloth, torn at its source. The circumference of the katana-based based blade was curved, so that it could catch others swords.[/center] [center]"Leave NO-ONE alive."[/center] [center]As more of the Atlanteans rose into the battle against the rebels.. the man in the middle of them twitched and thought. These rebels were people that were against his king, or, what he liked to call the king of Atlantis, Uncle Kaldrur. He was a king who was controlled by the Atlantis Council, a pawn so that the people would not rebel against them, and complain about their rule and their corrupt source in government. In these few years after the original King of Atlantis was killed by a Rebellion assassin, unfaithful guards of Atlantis went out in a full rage of stealing, and killing innocents in an outrage due to not being provided with money by the council.[/center] [center] Kadrel, widely known as The Council's favorite, was the soon-to-be general of Atlantis. In this battle against the rebellious Atlanteans, he was going to prove himself to the chairmen that he was ready. He jumped into battle, cutting through his enemies without remorse and removing their heads without a care in his eyes. No sympathy was sparked in his cold heart that was stuck in the deep depths of the murky sea.. With a large, blood-curdling growl, the seas came to his will and bent..[/center] [center]The wavelength of the light-filled sea overwhelmed the rebellious people as the army under his future command shot down the remaining people against him. The tip of his sword dug into the wet ground as he twisted his blade in his right hand. His scales deflected several beams that were directed to kill him, instead backfiring on the rebellious men and ending their lives. Blood that went across his face caused him to wipe his body off with the cloth of a dead man beside him.[/center] [center]The storm dispersed around the Titan's mansion, and he turned his head to stare at the two people. Wiping his mouth, he sighed. After all the dramatic storm waves that hit the side of the mansion, he simply smiled and said: [center]"No, I just need a place to stay."[/center]