[center][color=hotpink][b]Location:[/b] Meeting room [/color] [color=hotpink][b]Interacting with:[/b] Professor Latour [@Ace of flames01][/color][/center] [hr][hr] Dani couldn’t help but groan as Sophie realized what was going on with Loki and started panicking as well. Holding off Loki’s fear was already hard enough, and Dani wasn’t entirely sure that she would be able to hold off Sophie’s fear at the same time. Fortunately, Sophie ended up deciding to leave the room in a hurry, which took away a bit of the pressure on Dani’s mind as Sophie got further away and her thoughts grew quieter. Even though Dani could still hear Sophie’s thoughts, they were a good deal quieter and much easier to ignore, enabling the smaller girl to focus on the problem at hand. As Sophie ran out of the room, Katherine crouched down in front of Loki and told him to relax, no doubt using her ability in an attempt to calm him down. And, strangely enough, it seemed to be working! Dani involuntarily breathed a small sigh of relief as she felt Loki’s hysteria, and subsequently the pressure on her mind, gradually diminish. At least until Professor Latour grabbed him in a headlock and sent everything back to square one. Muttering a curse under her breath, Dani turned her focus back to holding off Loki’s fear while Katherine tried to get him to calm down again. This time, however, Dani was more prepared, and so it wasn’t as difficult as it had been earlier. As such, she had the luxury to pay attention to some things that she hadn’t really noticed earlier, like the fact that there was a new student in the room or just how feral and animalistic Loki’s mind felt at the moment. Moments later, it seemed that their second attempt at getting Loki to calm down was rather successful, and Dani couldn’t avoid breathing another small sigh of relief as the pressure on her mind dissipated. Unfortunately, the relative peace Dani experienced was shattered by Loki as he attempted to shift back into his human form, the sound of bones breaking and grinding against each other filling the air. Immensely glad that she couldn’t see the process occurring, Dani pulled the bottle of Advil from her pocket and quickly swallowed two of the little brown pills while she relaxed on the lounge chair, her feet dangling over the edge again. Shortly afterwards, the horrendous sounds that accompanied Loki’s transformations ceased and he slipped into unconsciousness. [color=hotpink][i]”Sorry that I missed it earlier, but could you tell me what the groups that you mentioned were?”[/i][/color] Dani asked the Professor telepathically, hoping that he wouldn’t be too upset with her. While she waited for him to respond, Dani kept her eyes closed and tried not to move too much. Holding off Loki’s terror had given her a fairly large headache and had left her feeling a little nauseous, the latter of which wasn’t helped at all by the gruesome sounds accompanying his transformations.