[@bloonewb]before I get started with this, I am super tired so this is going to be blunt... First, your picture seems broken. (not just on my phone this time on the PC as well) And Second your character is missing something important it was supposed to have. Not going to give it away but lets see if you find it. As for the Character itself he doesn't really jump out at me and as you even put I don't see why the reapers would head hunt him. Especially two years after your event. In that time you would just be a prisoner and they would have nothing to do with you, as people in prison usually have problem's with authority and taking orders and wouldn't really be inclined to listen to Orders on the battlefield. On top of that you didn't explain your "interview" where the reaper would have tested your skills to see if you would survive as a member of the order. For your fighting style and equipment I would like to see it a bit more defined, the order is basically a standing army and you don't see an army sending people into fights without weapons (Aside from the Russians, but that's another thing entirely) If your going for a rouge go rouge, take the dual dagger approach or something along those lines. Basically I would say to update his backstory to explain what he did to draw the congressman's ire, then give a bit more info on the week of pursuit. Then your meeting with the Reaper, (personally I would go with Congressmen used his influence to give you a death sentence without trial and Reaper steps in before the execution to give you death in combat beats you and takes you as part of the Order "reborn" a new man. Just an idea how I would play it, its your character you are fee to come up with whatever story you with) and finally fix that bit about the Equipment and Fighting Style and I could see him joining the Order.