[color=Gold]Mars[/color] [color=Gold]"I'd say just observe for now. I'm going to check out the one that seemed to head to town, make sure nothing goes wrong. If you need anything, just call, and I'll be right back."[/color] Mars said from a little ways away, walking out from a nearby shadow as he began to make his way to Town. As he passed Candice, his steps slowed to a halt as he seemed to hesitate for a moment, before turning to look back at Candice. [color=gold]"Stay safe, okay? I've got a bad feeling about the red guy.."[/color] Mars gave her a nod after she replied, before making his way towards the nearby town. Soon enough, he arrived, walking passed the storefronts of various shops as he looked around for the newborn. However, as he passed by one shop, he took a moment to look himself over. He had changed a lot after his years in the service to the General with Candice. His hair now only went down to just past his shoulders, and while it was still a mess of colors, they were more subdued then before. His outfit still consisted of him only wearing a jacket and pants, though now he wore a sleeveless army-style jacket and camo-pattern pants, all patterned to his color scheme of course, though once again, the colors were more subdued. He looked so different that it was kinda off-putting, but considering what had happened in his life, it was more than appropriate. Letting out a soft sigh, Mars moved on ignoring the looks he was getting as he continued the search. After a few more moments, he found his target, seeming to just look around and explore. While he would normally be fine with just letting her go about her business, he was on the clock, and that meant making sure each and every new gem was accounted for, at the very least. He didn't approve of getting them involved in army work, but it wasn't his decision to make, and he was already on thin-ice as it was. Rolling his shoulders a bit, he walked up to the gem, clearing his throat a bit in order to get their attention, as well as announce his presence. [color=Gold]"Hey there, name's Mars. . . well, it's techinically Marra Mamba, but I prefer Mars myself. Anyway, would you mind telling me what you're planning to do in town. Sorry to bother you, but it's my job to make sure that all the humans around here are kept safe, as well as a few other things."[/color] [@Veiled Angel][@Guardian Angel Haruki]