[center][h2][color=ec008c]Alexandria "Alexis" Deva[/color][/h2][/center] [center][h3][color=ec008c]At the Pokemon Center[/color][/h3][/center] [@Noxx][@dabombjk] Alexis waited and waited. She had given Snorunt to Nurse Joy to heal, but she hadn't thought that it'd take so long to heal a Pokemon. They just seemed to take all the hits and get back up. She didn't know what exactly had to be done to heal Pokemon after battles. Alexis continued to wait, looking around to pass the time. Something caught her eye, and once she took a moment to fully perceive it, Alexis dashed over to it faster than Oscar's Torchic. "[color=ec008c]Mistress Hollow![/color]" Alexis dashed right next to who she could only think was a random dude, and cosplaying fan. Madame Hollow was up there with some of the greatest Pokemon Coordinators, and she was one of the biggest influences over the girl choosing to go out on a journey of her own. The fact that the very same person was in the same region was astounding! One day, Alexis would have to face her, and that day may even be arriving soon! Alexis had to get going! She'd need to catch some more Pokemon and start preparing for unexpected events that would happen on her way. Alexis could barely hide her excitement. "[color=ec008c]One day...One day I'll surpass you![/color]" Alexis cried out in determination, and pointed right at the poster of Madame Hollow, gaining the attention of a few other people. "[color=ec008c]I said that out loud, didn't I?[/color]" asked Alexis, now blushing in embarassment.