Fredrick Arwell It was quite jarring for Ricky, one moment about be a player in a war zone, the next being brought to the entrance of some extravagent palace. However, knowing his line of dirty work, he was sort of used to transitioning moods, if not a complete change in scenery. While Ricky was told about the corridors of darkness, this was his first time actually going through one. Keeping his cool, he noticed alot of armed guards around the place, and seeing that he wasn't getting shot at, could assume they weren;t openly hostile. Something that did catch his eyes though were three strangers who were not in uniform, at least, not the uniform of the guards. One was a young man, a term he used loosely, to describe the person who dragged him through the corridor. For some reason, Ricky felt unnerved by his apperance, as if he was wolf in human clothing, something that looked the part but didn't act like it. He never was a fan of these Nobody characters, but he knew that an ally is still an ally and decided to to drop his suspicions for now. Another figure was a man who was dressed very similarly to the Nobody, black coat and all. While this did unnerve Rick, he seemed... different somehow. He glowed with a mysterious but laid back aura, something that Rick could get behind, if only in an outwardly superficial sense. Then there was the young girl who wore something akin to a kimono next to Rick. She looked pretty adorable, and seeing an actual youth who seemed to be in a similar boat to him eased his nerves just a little bit. Ricky looked to the girl without tilting his head and tried to break the ice. "Does your invitation have an adress on it? Because it looks like we were invited to the same party." It wasn;t long before the four of them were approached by some guards and what appeared to be butlers carrying snacks and booze. Rick was just being sarcastic about there being a party going on, but it looks like Rick really was in for something festive. Rick, not wanting to refuse such delicious looking gifts, gingerly acceted their offerings. "Wow. Thanks guys, I was really parched." Ricky said to the butlers. After grabbing a pastry and a bottle of wine, Rick was then approached by a woman wearing a helmet with fancy lettering, probably to denote status. "Would you mind following us inside? The Basileus is waiting." she said. After finishing the heavenly pastry in his hand and taking a gulp of high caliber wine. Ricky replied. "Well, you did get me out of a jam. It would only make since for me to recipricate by hearing what you have to say." Ricky complied and with a wine bottle in one hand and full wine glass in the other, Ricky began to follow the captain.