[h1][center][color=gray]Moros Vorsickle[/color][/center][/h1] Moros whirled and raised his weapon to smash the pile of bones behind him when it suddenly turned into a pile of dust in conjunction with the distinctive feeling of a Song Knight's music. Moros grunted in surprise and looked around to see all the other skeletons suffered the same fate. Well. That certainly made things more simple. He glanced back inside the arena to see that the girl with the sheets had been dealt with. That left only the cathedral's mysterious solider. Lefay stepped beside him with a bored expression and yawned. [color=silver]"Well that didn't last long."[/color] She said casually. Shaking his head Moros said, [b]"Good, now we see what to do next."[/b] With that he quickly moved to where the Princess and Captain were. [b]"Shall we deal with the problem at the cathedral now?"[/b] he asked politely, bowing repectfully as he did so. Lefay has once again taken his shape but had no interest in being polite, rather she was carefully examining everyone there before sniffing disdainfully and looking away while tapping her foot impatiently.