Fredrick Arwell While Ricky knew that what he was being told was very important, the word "Multiverse" just flew over Ricky;s head. He did understand though the concept of "saving", a term he would never think would be used to describe his actions. And quest? What is everybody playing knights and dragons or something? Nevertheless, Rick IS in the precence of royalty, and no matter what words they used he knew that coming from them carried a great amount of gravitose. Taking his lucky hat off and kneeling his head as a gesture of respect, he spoke. "Your majesties, if I may call you that. I know you spent alot of resources judging by the swirling portals of darkness you used to bring me here, and, I don;t want to look a gift horse in the mouth but, to be honest, I'm no knight in shining armor. I'm hardly what you would call "savior" material. Though I guess I'm quite flattered you think of me as such, but, I;m not your guy." Rick stood, feeling embarassed that he didn't consider himself worthy to be in their presence, whoever they were.