[color=orchid][h1][center]Sophia Danvers[/center][/h1][/color] Was this the third time she'd walked past that windmill? Clutching her forehead, Sophia stumbled back along the path. How difficult could the Pokemon centre be to find? She'd only recently been there. This was ridiculous. She could only hope none of the group happened to be nearby to see her wandering around, hopelessly lost. Having any of them lead her back would just be humiliating. By the time the familiar building came into view, Sophia felt ready to keel over. Still, she carried herself as tall as she could. She put away the parasol and entered the building to see most of the group gathered there. [color=orchid]"Hey, everyone,"[/color] she called, trying to stride over and tottering instead. She grasped the Pokeball and held it up. [color=orchid]"I did it! Can any of you say the same?"[/color] She scowled. Everyone's attention was directed elsewhere. Spread across the wall was a poster of a red-haired woman whose face she was sure she'd seen somewhere before. [color=orchid]"Hmph... Who's that?"[/color] Sophia grumbled to the nurse, handing over her Pokemon. [color=pink]"You haven't heard of her?"[/color] the nurse asked in surprise. [color=pink]"Mistress Hollow's a celebrity coordinator."[/color] [color=orchid]"Coordinator?"[/color] Sophia repeated. She'd vaguely heard of contests over the Internet, but they'd never caught on in Unova. She remembered Oscar's mention of them earlier. [color=orchid]"Ah, yes... Of course I know about her,"[/color] she lied in a poor attempt to mask her ignorance. [color=orchid]"Contests... So they're a big thing here, huh?"[/color] She glanced at the picture again. A wave of dizziness sent the room lurching, and she hunched over with both hands pressed against the counter, ringlets hanging in her face. [color=pink]"Are you ok?"[/color] the nurse asked. [color=pink]"Do you need to take a seat?"[/color] [color=orchid]"Ugh... Everything's fine."[/color] Sophia stood up straight, but her eyes were still half-closed. The light was like a pressure squeezing in on her head. [color=orchid]"Just tired from catching Pokemon."[/color] She staggered over to a chair and sank down into it, waiting for her Pokemon to be healed.