As Thanox went deeper into the woods he focused on the ground looking for any tracks to lead him to his prey. The main problem, however, was that he did not know what his prey was. He had no doubt that it would be very different from what he hunted back in his home land, but he didn’t know just how different it would be. As confidant as he was in his skills as a hunter he didn’t want to take too big a risk by fighting an unknown predator. Another problem was that, judging from the tracks, there wasn’t much here besides smaller game. Useful for food, not quite as useful for hauling water, unless someone knew how to work leather and had the proper tools. Still, there were always larger creatures around, ready to feed on anything smaller than them. He just needed to find them and it looked like he was not alone in his search. A few of the others were already searching inland, and the others would probably move in soon to find better shelter. Thanox stopped and crouched down to get a better look at the ground. There were some tracks here, they were older, but they were there. Hopefully they could lead him to an animal, or perhaps a watering hole. Standing up, he carefully followed the tracks. They may not lead anywhere, but he had to at least try and see what he could find.