[@SecretlyDiscord] Wow, my message wasn't even that insulting (Even I thought the laziness part was on the nose), and I get a rant back. I almost came. Let me start by saying it wasn't my intention to insult you (I'm just very blunt and critical), I was just expressing why I wasn't participating, and my reasons why - which should have just been left at just that. But, of course, I'm giving you a response you probably will like even less! I'm going to keep the personal attacks to a minimum, and instead, attack your argument. [quote=@SecretlyDiscord] [@Mr Allen J] Kk. First off, I credited the original authors. We had people from the first thread who were already interested. There's no need to do an interest check first if you've already got people who are interested/signed on already. We could just consider the first go at it an interest check seeing as things didn't go as well and it never left the ground in the first place. [/quote] Let's be real here, it's been a few months since the original had it's brief run. People [i]are[/i] going to lose interest, and move onto other things. That's what I imagined half the original cast was doing. Even then, it would be common sense to [i]alert[/i] people. I was under the impression this wasn't going anywhere for quite awhile until I saw this on the sidebar. [quote=@SecretlyDiscord] Secondly, if you wanted a "similar" roleplay then you definitely should have brought it up. I'm not a mind reader, sir, so if you had ideas about how this should have gone, then you should have brought it up. Even then, your "similar" idea would have been rejected by us outright. We were given permission to use this idea to try and get it started again. Now, where I come from, that means that the proper thing to do is use the same idea, not change it into something else. If you wanted something different, or as you put it, "similar," then you should have made one up yourself. I think that most of the original users who were interested in this idea wanted to participate in it. [/quote] That was probably my fault for not explicitly stating you should change some of the setting/ooc a [i]little[/i] (I just thought that would change). I'm not saying it should absolutely shit on the idea, but maybe switch some things around... or not totally just copy/paste the OOC. I doubt the original three would care that much (They're pretty cool). lol Trust me kid, these kinds of "reboots" don't last too long. [quote=@SecretlyDiscord]They, unlike you, who creates enough characters for yourself to outnumber your co-writers and so usurp the role play to manipulate it into your own idea rather than respect the effort of the creators, wanted to write for the idea they were presented with. I see that you are perhaps afraid of the challenge of taking up an idea that is not entirely your own. Collaboration is the spirit of post-by-post style role play afterall. If you're not comfortable with that, you could very well go invest your time in Japanese role playing games featuring characters whose impossible breast/body proportions you've "copy/pasted" into your own cardboard characters. [/quote] Okay, this is my favorite paragraph. Just one juicy exaggeration after the other for the sake of an argument (or some kind of weird ad hominem)! Let me say that I'm pretty good friends with the original three GMs, and we talk a lot. I was pretty hype for the roleplay as a whole (Which is why I took the time to write four character sheets and wait for the IC to go up lol). I really don't get your outright contrived "manipulation," or "uncomfortable with other peoples roleplays" come from - well, other than you literally pulling it out yout ass. lol All I literally did in the last thread was make four characters, and then shitpost (But it was shitposting to keep the OOC alive). But, apparently, it's a crime to make four characters - well, no. It's actually a crime to say anything you don't like. And hey, if we want to talk about "cardboard characters," then how about you look at Margent (Who's literal only personality traits are that she's a nice girl, and naive). [quote=@SecretlyDiscord] As for the laziness comment, I didn't see you making any effort to reboot this marvelous idea. I was, and am, interested in seeing how this story, as it is, will unfold. Regardless of what you were expecting, to come and continue to show disrespect to an idea you weren't all that keen on in the first place is a waste of your time. I'd like to tell you about the effort I made to "copy/paste" this rp into a new thread, but that would also be an immense waste of your time. That would certainly help validate my actions, as if I need validation from you. Fortunately unlike you, I don't need validation from someone on the internet. [/quote] But, here's the thing, you didn't change anything to the OOC at all. You pretty much just copy/pasted the OOC. Even Zoldyck expressed disappointment in the lack of changes. No matter what you say, putting no effort into just copy/pasting the entire OOC without a single change is lazy. Don't try to say otherwise. Though, it's amazing that you put more effort into this argument than your "reboot." [quote=@SecretlyDiscord] P.S. I hope this finds you well. I did not intend to write this in the way that I did, only to meet you with the same courtesy that you met me with. Best of luck. [/quote] Honestly, all I was being was a tad blunt, and you write up a whole disproportionate rant like I was actually insulting you or the original roleplay. If anything, you met me with even [i]less[/i] "courtesy." lol But, I still hold no ill-will towards you. Ultimately, I'll leave my response at this, and won't post on the thread any longer.