[center][h1][color=fff200]Mai Butcher[/color], [color=6ecff6]Jess Butcher[/color], [color=bc8dbf]Ethel Storm[/color], [color=92278f]Jessica Albert[/color], [color=00aeef]Manami Fuyu[/color], [color=ed1c24]Cody Bloodstein[/color], [color=7ea7d8]Shiro Hime[/color], [color=39b54a]Sora Kaze[/color] and [color=2e3192]James Lumin[/color][/h1][/center] [hider=My Hider] [img]http://www.clipular.com/c/5537565895032832.png?k=roaKlPl9vCSZ5kGDTmAMZ7-bzkA[/img] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/dzcliMItwItKl-rNpPu2UxSXQht9sBZHgLypH6ELspAwLxJEKhz1rxTjxOgGFAdKpwyOl8vRhbc784qScKLpZFDvUeA=w426-h240-n[/img] [img]https://www.clipular.com/c/5137417219080192.png?k=HK09Y5wgHWHwr_147lDWS0qzKMo[/img] [img]http://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/photo.goodreads.com/hostedimages/1379773458i/318161.jpg[/img] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/element-high/images/4/4c/Dress-flowers-hijiri_byakuren-long_hair-miyukirei-thighhighs-touhou-wet-yellow_eyes.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121201021150[/img] [img]http://phoenixwing.weebly.com/uploads/3/1/1/1/31114287/907950253.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.paralworld.com/600/8fdb8a53-edff-4bb9-a72f-3737f688aae7.jpg[/img] [img]http://cs405030.vk.me/v405030706/3809/wr--IcyLwh8.jpg[/img] [img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/a5a3/f/2013/039/2/e/anime_guy_by_kurunomibreak-d5u7cys.jpg[/img] [/hider] [@Raijinslayer][@Zarkun][@Joshua Tamashii][@Roseletta][@Infichi][@Caits][@Crimson Raven] Using the wind to carry their words over, Sora sighed at James and Amelia's conversation. Great, he had happened upon another group of goody two-shoes. 'Don't destroy this', 'don't destroy that', 'don't you think you went over the top?'. Those were things Sora was used to hearing, but he couldn't quite help himself. He liked to demonstrate his strength, it was his right to do so really. Plus he had thought through the tornado plan. The buildings which hadn't been fixed by that guy with Arc of Time magic were really the only ones which got damaged, and he didn't even really make them that much worse to be honest. That was HER group's fault. Secondly he just wanted to clear away those damned abominations. And there should've been no civilians left in the area who would've been affected by his tornado anyway, so why did she care so much? Sora wasn't quite as reckless as people thought, he did usually think things through before doing them. But he honestly could care what they think. Like they knew anything about him, so let them judge him. Everyone did anyway. [i][color=39b54a]"But why did Shiro and Manami attack these guys? From what I can gather, there's no slayers here..."[/color][/i] Sora thought as he stood up just as Mai and Jess had walked over to him. Or rather, Mai had stormed over with a rather not too pleased look on her face. [color=fff200]"What's the big idea?! How many times have we asked you for some goddamn warning first?!"[/color] Mai grabbed Sora by the front of his shirt as she yelled angrily at him, glaring into his uncaring eyes. Sora simply shrugged in reply before allowing a small smirk to form. [color=39b54a]"If you couldn't defend yourselves from that, it's your own problem. I don't remember ever promising a warning at any stage we've been together."[/color] Mai's face twitched as she looked like she was about to pop a vein from Sora's rather obvious taunting of the younger woman. He couldn't help himself really, this was just how he was. [color=39b54a]"On another more important note. I need you two to go find their friends, they mentioned that there were more of them. I would prefer if their guildmaster didn't find out about this. After all, last thing we need is her coming after us."[/color] Sora had a hint of concern in his voice at the mention of Manami's guildmaster, which snapped Mai out of her little tantrum. If Sora was weary of that woman....then that was cause for concern. During this time Jess had tied up a struggling Shiro and unconscious Manami together, along with having dragged James and Jessica over before tying them up. She was quite efficient at it really, like she was used to it or something.... [color=fff200]"....Come on Jess. As much as I hate to admit it, he's right. They couldn't have gone too far."[/color]Mai reluctantly let go of Sora's shirt before gesturing to her sister to follow. The two quickly made their way out as Sora walked over to James and Amelia, leaving the beaten and tied up dark wizards on the ground behind of him. [color=39b54a]"If you need help explaining I'll help. We know more about this group than most, and we also need a place to detain these wizards. My sealing magic won't keep them in check forever."[/color] Sora shoved his hands in his pockets as he talked. In truth he wasn't too sure what to do with Manami, Jessica or James so he figured this guild might know what to do with them. He figured that this was a win-win for everyone here, Sora had a place to keep these dangerous wizards and they got information. Sora himself could also gain information so really he had nothing to lose by making this proposal. At about this same time Cody had trudged over, looking rather....down. He had been useless for that entire encounter, in the end all he did was start the chain of events by trying to attack Nidhogg. He was also feeling a little tired since he had used a spell he wasn't quite used to just yet. [color=ed1c24]"Why don't we ask her?"[/color] Cody suggested as he pointed towards the rather grumpy looking Shiro, who at this stage was also trying to drag herself and Manami away. But due to the fact she was tied up, it was kinda difficult since she could only move her legs, so she had to dig her heels into the ground and drag herself using just the strength remaining in her legs. [color=39b54a]"....Damn she's persistent."[/color] Sora couldn't help but feel impressed and respect the fact that she was STILL trying to get away, despite her injuries, the fact he had sealed her magic and tied her up. Add that to the current weight of the unconscious Manami, and this was a rather impressive escape attempt. As the wind died down Ethel made sure that Verrick would land softly on the ground before her skin lost the metallic shine. She really wished that Sora would give them some warning before he did stuff like this, but she doubted he ever will. Most of the Chu's had been blown into a pile nearby at this stage, and they were all perfectly fine and unharmed for some strange reason, except for one. This one had made it's way over to Ethel and cried out 'Chu' at her feet. It was the one she had bought earlier from Verrick. Bending down, she gently picked the creature up before dusting it off and turning to face Verrick however it was then that the back of Cody came into view. All she saw was the hair mainly due to his cloak, but she was sure of it. It had to be him. [color=bc8dbf]"...Father?"[/color]