[quote=@jaywing93] Jett followed after her hesitantly as she exited the camp. He glanced back as it began to disappear behind them and his eyes glazed over with sadness. He slowly turned his gaze back to Sacha and watched her marching through the forest without hesitation. He smiled and shook his head slightly. [i]She always will be one of the stubbornest people I've ever met,[/i] he thought. As the silence began to stretch on between them, he called up to her. "You've changed a bit since the last time I saw you," he said, referencing back to years ago. [/quote] Sacha glances back at him. She snorts. "And yet you haven't changed a bit." She shrugs and looks up at the sky. "I hope you figured your shit out the past two weeks." She says, hoping he got the hint he wouldn't be able to come back.