[center][color=Lightblue][h1]Alex Rossmoore[/h1] [h3]Pokémon Center[/h3][/color][/center] [@LuckyBlackCat] Everyone else was clearing out and Alex figured he should as well. He really didn't know what he would do, he might go with Reese, but with the way Beldum had behaved around Wooper, he didn't know if he should. He walked through the automatic doors, saying thank you to the Nurse as he left. He finally released Beldum from his Pokéball, letting the white metal form float freely. [color=Lightblue]"You have a lot of explaining to do."[/color] He said sarcastically, looking over at Beldum. As he walked away from the Pokémon Center, he noticed a girl that he remembered before at the lab practically stumbling into it. She looked pretty sick. He followed her back in, grabbing a glass of water, and handing it to her. [color=Lightblue]"Hey, are you ok? You look pretty tired,"[/color] He said sitting down on the chair across from her. [color=Lightblue]"It's more than 100 degrees out there."[/color]