[color=orchid][h1][center]Sophia Danvers[/center][/h1][/color] [@Heckno12] [@AbysmalDemon] Sophia raised her head to see Rheese sit down next to her, and somebody else standing nearby. She accepted the water, sipped it and put it down. It didn't help much. Rheese's compliment brought a surge of pride, yet it didn't quite make up for the blow to her confidence her mother had given her. [color=orchid]"Oh, not really,"[/color] she lied to Rheese. [color=orchid]"It doesn't take all that much effort. I'll be ok. It's just jet lag."[/color] The last bit was partly true - travelling and lack of sleep hadn't helped, but using her power, especially while in that state, was more work than she let on. Maintaining a psychic link across a long distance had been particularly draining, and she doubted she'd have the energy to get her third Pokemon that day. An unwanted memory surfaced. ... [color=orchid]"Look, Mom! I can do it!"[/color] The nine-year-old Sophia swayed where she stood, but managed to keep the four Pokeballs levitated in front of her. Four at once, and they were barely even wobbling. Surely her mother had to be proud this time? The woman towering over her gave a small shake of her head, dark curls swishing around her shoulders, eyes narrowed in a steely glare. [color=darkorchid]"Poor baby. You're getting tired, are you?"[/color] she cooed. Her voice, although soft, was devoid of warmth. [color=darkorchid]"Oh, dear, dear. I thought I'd taught you about building up endurance."[/color] Sophia sat down on the floor, head drooping, the Pokeballs falling. She'd thought she'd finally please her mother. Instead, she got sent to bed early for her efforts, and given extra work over the next few days. One day, she'd be good enough... ... Pushing the memory away with a shiver, she let a groan escape. Rheese also had a Pokemon? Had he managed to catch one before she had? [color=orchid]"What did you get?"[/color] she asked, her tone lacking enthusiasm. Maybe he'd just caught a Pidove or something, and called that an achievement. A Chansey waddled over to her, handing her the Pokeballs she'd given to the nurse. Sophia looked back at Rheese. [color=orchid]"Look what I found,"[/color] she bragged, sending out her second Pokemon. The Purrloin appeared in front of her. "Purrrr prr prr?" Stepping forward, the cat gave Sophia's hand a tentative sniff, then nuzzled it, closing her eyes. "Purrrrrrrr." It was difficult to be in a bad mood in the presence of a cute Pokemon. A smile lit up Sophia's face as she stroked the Purrloin. [color=orchid]"Well aren't you just the cutest little critter - Ow!"[/color] Without warning, Purrloin bit her and scampered to the other side of the room. Sighing, Sophia rubbed her hand and grabbed the Pokeball. [color=orchid]"Purrloin, return."[/color] It seemed the Pokedex was right.